With Facebook members topping more than 900 million today, it is a great platform in which to target small business social media marketing. Indeed, studies have shown that marketing a business on Facebook is a successful way of obtaining new sales. Because people are so interconnected these days via the Internet, and especially with social media entities, such as Facebook, it should come as no surprise that, after seeing a friend comment positively on a product or business, or viewing an ad for such a business, one of every five users of Facebook have made a purchase from such a business.
Small business social media marketing is not a quick technique that can be dabbled in piecemeal, here and there. Much like in order to have a quality website that reaches its target audience, a business must hire a professional website development company, so must a business hire a professional Facebook marketing business in order to fully utilize the power of small business social media marketing.
Facebook marketing companies know that the people who make up the 25 to 34 year old demographic do not like to see advertising that is irrelevant or intrusive. For this reason, a Facebook marketing company will make it a priority to feature only those types of ads that people will want to see on a business social media page. By tying those ads into what people most likely want to see, a social media marketing small business can help foster connections with those people who are most likely to make a purchase.
Coupons and discounts are a primary reason why an individual might like a Facebook page that a small business social media marketing company has established for a client. There are a number of fun ways a business can reward its followers, including having quick contests and raffles.