In order to be successful in any business sector you need to be intimately aware of industry trends, improvements in technology, and overall changes that could have an affect on the product or service you’re selling. For a sign company you might think it’s as easy as writing stuff on a piece of paper or billboard, but then you wouldn’t be in business for very long. There are many different reasons why people look to professional services for sign solutions, not the least of which other companies looking for business signs. Since these will be the bulk of your business if you’re a sign company, here are three factors you should always consider to attract new customers and retain old.
1.) Accessibility/Visibility: It’s not rocket science. If clients can’t find you, they’re not going to buy from you. For a sign company this means two things: physical representation and an online presence. One of a sign company’s greatest promotional tool should be the creative sign designs used onsite for the business itself. What better way to sell your product than to show people first-hand? In fact, 35% of people wouldn’t know where your business was if it didn’t have a sign displayed. The second aspect is building a quality website that drives the right traffic to it. It’s very easy for anyone to hop online and find the first sign business and order from. Make your business stand out. Also, make sure any platform you have for people to create signs is easy to use.
2.) Creativity: The lifeblood of any sign company has to be in its creativity. One of the biggest trends recently is in digital signage. Studies show that businesses with digital signs average 30% more sales than those with traditional signs. Another suggests 40% of shoppers are more likely to buy from you if you’re utilizing a digital sign. Not only should you be using them yourself, you need to offer them to your customers. The more creative designs you put out, the more people will ask about them and where they came from.
3.) Diversity: Going along with creative signs, offering a large variety of different options will set you apart as well. From small custom yard signs to massive banners and everything in between. Many businesses need specific designs/dimensions to fit the space they occupy so the more range you have in products, the more you will open yourself to potential buyers.