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3 Facts About Church Signs You Should Know

Did you know that outdoor church signs are foundational to increasing awareness of a church?

According to research, 35% of people wouldn’t have discovered a given business if it hadn’t been for their outdoor business signage. While you would be correct in pointing out that a church is not a business, it still illustrates that a good church sign can increase your membership. However, cheap, poorly-designed, or misleading signs for churches can be even worse for attendance than no sign at all.

To help you plan or design the perfect sign for your church, below are three facts about outdoor church signs that you should know.

Your Sign is a Representation of Your Church

What do you want people to think of when they think about your church? You probably want them to think about brotherly love, and about people who are close to God and care for one another. While these qualities can’t really be directly communicated through a sign, remember that everything

Did you know that outdoor church signs are foundational to increasing awareness of a church?

According to research, 35% of people wouldn’t have discovered a given business if it hadn’t been for their outdoor business signage. While you would be correct in pointing out that a church is not a business, it still illustrates that a good church sign can increase your membership. However, cheap, poorly-designed, or misleading signs for churches can be even worse for attendance than no sign at all.

To help you plan or design the perfect sign for your church, below are three facts about outdoor church signs that you should know.

Your Sign is a Representation of Your Church

What do you want people to think of when they think about your church? You probably want them to think about brotherly love, and about people who are close to God and care for one another. While these qualities can’t really be directly communicated through a sign, remember that everything a church does either reflects well or poorly on their reputation. If you want your church to have a reputation for being kind, welcoming, and beneficial to society, one place to begin is to have a sign that implies these qualities.

This mostly comes down to the quality and design of the sign itself: it should be in a highly visible location, without obstructing the view of passers-by; it should be clean and well-maintained at all times; its messaging should be updated regularly; and its design should be appealing and fit the brand of your church.

If drivers passing by notice a church sign that’s never updated, poorly designed, or worn out and broken, they’ll assume the church management is clumsy or irresponsible. They might even assume that, since the church clearly doesn’t care about its sign, it doesn’t care about people, either. Every little impression plays a big role in shaping the way your community feels about your church, and outdoor church signs are a part of that.

Outdoor Signs Define Community Identity

As we mentioned, the appearance of your sign tells people what to expect from your church, but it also contributes to how existing members feel. An attractive sign with uplifting, useful messaging can be like a badge of honor for church members, making them proud to be a part of their church. On the other hand, no one really wants to be associated with an organization that clearly isn’t putting their best foot forward within the community.

Sign Messaging Contributes to Local Communities

Even for non-members, digital and electronic church signs can add value to the entire local community. Signs are a great way to quickly spread relevant and timely information, from updated service announcements to reminding people to stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Whenever something’s going on that’s relevant to an entire community, businesses often chip in with their own sign messaging to help spread the word. Your church can be a part of this.

And there you have it: our top three facts about outdoor signs for churches. From benefiting the local community to reinforcing your church’s image, hopefully you can see why outdoor church signs can be such a big deal.

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