What do you consider dangerous? What do you consider safe? As the trends in today’s society move toward a more open and liberal approach to the use of medical cannabis, our country attempts to navigate a changing set of believes and possible consequences.
Medical marijuana facility design is just one area of exploration that new business owners must consider. Since 66% of physicians approve of the use of medical cannabis, it should come as no surprise that more and more individuals are considering entering this profitable field. In fact, if all 50 states in America were to legalize cannabis right now, as a group they would combine to earn more than $3 billion in new tax revenue. With numbers like this, it is very likely that the process of developing a medical marijuana facility design will become a challenge that more and more architects will consider.
If you want to get an early start in this new area of economics you might want to know how to invest in the cannabis industry. Quite simply, there are many profitable opportunities. Whether you want to be a grower or a wholesale distributor, starting a medical marijuana business is in many ways similar to any other business start up. Taking the time to create a well thought out business plan will increase the chance for success.
Research is indicating that the largest market for medical cannabis is treating post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In fact, some studies conducted outside the U.S. government indicate that as many as 20% of all military personnel returning from Afghanistan and Iraq could be suffering from various forms of PTSD. It is these patients that many cannabis business resources are marketing toward.
American cannabis consulting firms are available to help future growers and distributors understand how they might fit into this growing market. Quite possibly, this may be the very best time for investing in the cannabis industry. Currently, the states of Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington also have legalized the use of recreational cannabis. Many more are in the process of updating their laws. When you factor in the 23 states and the District of Columbia that have legal medical cannabis use, you begin to understand the impact this industry can have on individual incomes and the national tax economy.
Whether your business plan indicates that researching medical marijuana facility design is a necessity, or you are simply interested in the legal distribution of cannabis, now is the time to act. As the U.S. Federal Drug Administration finishes its research on 20 possible new medical cannabinoid uses, the smartest business people will prepare to profit from this growing industry.