Good organization makes everything else follow suit. What is everything else?
Money that could be better spent using on digital marketing services or maintenance costs, for one. Extra time that could be better used helping employees manage their tasks more efficiently, for another. Documents are an everyday part of running a business and just living life, cropping up one way or another without fail. When these documents are mishandled or lost outright? It creates a snowball effect that impacts everyone up and down the line, from the frustrated customer to the haggard employee.
Updated document management solutions can change all that. Let’s take a look.
We Create More Waste Than We Realize
The world is a messy place. Organization is how we make sense of it all…with mixed results. According to data provided by StopWaste.org, nearly 18% of everything printed is considered waste. In fact, it’s estimated each office worker in the United States will use 10,000 sheets of paper every year. The benefits of print management service means cutting into these astronomical figures and providing solutions that can be felt by everybody.
Paper Documents Today Are Difficult To Manage
Paper documents aren’t obsolete, but they’re certainly becoming more trouble than they’re worth. The Gartner Group has found 15% of all paper documents end up misplaced, with another 8% lost completely. An average of four weeks are lost every year just waiting on misfiled, mislabled, and untracked documents, which can really set back smaller businesses. Electronic document management is easier to sift through and easier to edit. In a short…it’s just easier.
Employee Expenses Can Stress Out Your Workforce
The last thing you need are stressed workers struggling to do the bare minimum. Interact found nearly 20% of business time is wasted by employees searching for information to do their jobs better. You might have already guessed lost documents are a significant element in this phenomenon. Workers should be moving from task-to-task smoothly, not doubling back and attempting to cover lost ground. Fixing this with the advantages of printing technology will slice right into your office debt.
Office Debt Is On The Rise Lately
Your business is likely deeper in debt than you realize. Filing accounts for a huge part of today’s office debt. Studies have shown the average filing costs come out as $20 per document, with every misfiled document costing businesses $125 in lost productivity. On the other hand, document management solutions can keep every last sheet on file and help your employees stay on the same page. If you’ve been considering a change, now’s the time to make it.
An Electronic Document Management Service Will Save You Money
The benefit of print services is ensuring you don’t have to constantly look forward to walking backwards. The four departments (or aspects) of a company that benefit most from document management systems are accounts receivable, accounts payable, contracts management, and human resources. Printer and copier costs are also the third largest office expense behind both rent and payroll. Think of all the things you could be doing with a little extra money on your side.
Organize your business. Let document management solutions cut into your office debt and provide your employees some much-needed relief.