While Americans and other consumers around the planet may think that they are doing their best to recycle the paper and the plastic that they use, they may be completely unaware of an entire industry that has been doing more than their fair share of recycling for many years. Steel, not plastic or paper, is one of the most recycled materials on Earth. In fact, the American Iron and Steel Institute estimates that 88% of steel in the world is recycled. Did you know, for instance, that two out of every three tons of new steel comes from old recycled stock and byproducts? Everything from processing liquids and steelmaking slags and dust can also be extracted during the recycling process and repurposed as well.
And while many consumers think of large products when they think of steel, an entire industry is dedicated to the design, production, and distribution of much smaller steel products like stainless steel strapping.
Industries such as the U.S. government and private telecommunication services depend upon reliable steel strapping supplies to make sure that their products ship safely and securely.
Four qulaities are the mark of a reliable stainless steel strapping company:
- Quality
- Efficiency
- Cost
- Availability
If these quality products can be produced efficiently and sold cost effectively using American made materials, they are even more beneficial to this country. Created from American milled products, stainless steel strapping materials can be used for mounting signs, traffic signals and other large heavy items, in addition to government contracts for their products. Available in a variety of sizes from 3/8″ x .015 to 3/4″ x 0.30, today’s steel straps are nearly 30% than similar products made just a decade ago. As American technology has progressed to create stronger steel, it has also reduced the energy it needs for this production by as much as 34% since the year 1972.
Companies who are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and support the American economy at the same time would do well to consider stainless steel strapping products for packing the products they ship and installing the signs and signals that they post.