In many industries, a background screening check for new employees is mandatory. However, most recruiters and human resources professionals know that job applicants can’t always be trusted to tell the complete truth on their applications. And with hundreds of applications for every job, it can be difficult to determine the truth. Third party employment verification services provide a quick and trusted way to check out the background of any potential employees.
The problem of false and inaccurate information on job applications
In fields like aviation, staffing, IT consulting companies, utilities, manufacturing, retail, banking, etc. hiring reliable employees is essential for public safety as well as quality control. And yet, as every recruiter and human resources manager knows, job applicants don’t always tell the complete truth on their job applications. Studies have shown that over half, or 54% of all job applications have inaccurate information about the candidates’ education and previous employment.
Even more discouraging, nearly all, or 95% of all job applicants have falsified some information in their applications. About a third or 31% of the falsifications relate to job title, while 28% were about academic qualifications and 62% of candidates gave inaccurate information about their skills and previous job responsibilities, according to a 2015 survey by CareerBuilder.Com. There may also be other things in a candidate’s background that make them unsuitable for the position. Third party employment verification will help employers screen out unsuitable employees on the basis of information found in a background check.
Why are professional background checks necessary?
While recruiters and human resources professionals are aware of this problem, they are also aware of their own limitations. They lack the time and resources to confirm and check every piece of information. They also have no way of finding out if a candidate has other problems, like drinking and drug use, which could make them a danger in the workplace.
Information about drug and alcohol abuse will not show up in a job application form, but it can influence the decision on whether or not to hire a candidate. Drug and alcohol abusers can be a disruptive and dangerous presence in the workplace, and have been found to be involved in 20% to 25% of all workplace accidents. They are three times more likely than other employees to be late for work and five times more likely to claim workers compensation. Professional screening can identify these and other problems before a job offer is made.
What does a professional background check cover?
Third party employment verification services can help human resources managers make the right hiring decisions by providing them very basic and necessary information about potential hires. The exact components of a professional background check can vary, depending on the industry as well as the needs of the employer. It can include information about criminal history, driving records, civil lawsuits, educational background, employment, licensing, credit and references.
In many cases, the exact components of a background check will be mandated by federal, state and local regulations, and may include drug testing. Professional background screening services can help employers remain in compliance with such regulations. They can also help prevent serious problems like workplace violence, fraud, embezzlement, and theft, and the negative publicity resulting from these.
Third party employment verification helps employers to screen out unsuitable employees. Background checks may also be mandated by federal, state and local regulations, and help to protect employers, consumers and the general public.