Category: Commercial factoring companies

  • What You Need To Know About An Invoice Advance Loan

    For any business to remain afloat, proper cash flow management is something that can never be ignored. The business needs to generate revenue, and the funds be well-spent towards making its operations more competitive. Unfortunately, more businesses are ending in bankruptcy. Bankruptcies in the United States increased to 25,227 companies in the second quarter of…

  • How to Choose an Invoice Factoring Company

    In the business world, having to wait for almost a month to get paid is one of the greatest challenges that many businesses face. For this reason, most businesses turn to invoice advance loan in order to meet their short term financial obligations. With the increase of business factoring services, it is now possible to…

  • Freight Capital Factoring is a Silver Bullet Solution for Cash Flow Problems

    Freight capital factoring is simply an accelerated payment method for truckers, especially small and medium-size businesses that don’t have the convenience of having to wait for invoices to mature. In an unperfect world, delayed payments and unpaid invoices are part of doing business. Some businesses with better financial structure can cope but for truckers who…

  • How Invoice Funding Companies Can Help You Small Business Maintain Its Growth Trajectory

    How Invoice Funding Companies Can Help You Small Business Maintain Its Growth Trajectory

    Running or managing a small business is by no means an easy task. There can be a lot of variables that you would need to manage carefully and a lot of challenges that you would need to overcome. This can be even more of a trying time if you have just started your business and…

  • How Business Factoring Companies Can Be Good for Small Businesses and Startups

    When it comes to running or managing a small business, especially one that has just been started from the ground up, there can be a number of challenges that you would have to overcome in order to progress according to plan. Whether it is establishing a reliable supply chain or getting employee management done right,…