Construction work is one of the most accident-prone jobs in the country. Approximately one out of every five workplace fatalities happen in construction zones. Most accidents are caused by faulty, substandard equipment. The four most common kinds of accidents are falls, electrocution, injury from a fallen object, and becoming wedged between two large objects. Unfortunately, construction work accidents take the lives of hundreds of workers every year. It even happened as recently as November 3rd. According to various news agencies, a construction worker in Jersey City died after being struck in the head by a one-pound tape measure that fell off the belt of another construction worker four hundred feet above him. He was not wearing his safety helmet.
Stories like this are much too common. Which is why construction safety training is so important. Certain companies specialize in construction safety courses, demonstrations, and equipment such as round slings, web slings, wire rope, lifting slings, marine rope, and rigging supplies. Construction safety training provides the necessary training and equipment needed to avoid common as well as uncommon accidents in construction sites. It benefits the workers, the employers, property owners, and civilians close to the sites.
There are also specialists in certification and inspections. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 created federal mandates for certifications and safety regulations in construction sites. Construction safety training are both optional and mandatory for the OSHA. Studies have shown that companies that invest in high-quality equipment and construction safety training show significant reduction in work-related deaths.
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