A point of sale (POS) security breach compromised 40 million Target customers’ bank accounts just a few months ago. Target and consumer banks are still picking up the pieces of the massive hack. “Security experts believe hackers had access to the point-of-sale data, which means they either accessed the terminals where customers swiped credit cards or collected data as it moved from Target to credit card processors,” CNN Money reports.
The scandal raised important questions for businesses and consumers. Some retailers, such as pharmacies, need to be especially careful to protect consumers’ information and POS data. Here are some steps to take after a security breach, and what to do to prevent future infractions:
Protecting Consumers After a Security Hack
Following its recent nation-wide debit and credit card data breach, Target contacted banks and law enforcement and invited customers to take advantage of a free credit monitoring service. Target, and any other establishments with compromised point of sale security, may want to enlist the help of forensics professionals. It is also important to evaluate current point of sale systems (and upgrade if necessary) and strongly advise consumers to replace any debit or credit cards used during the breach.
Note pharmacy POS systems need to be especially sound. Pharmacy POS systems rarely entail pharmacy cash management alone. Many also use pharmacy point of sale software — or point of sale software in general — to keep track of inventory. Pharmacies often count and re-count stock several times per day, and it is important to have a system that will accurately record inventory numbers.
The Most Important Safety Tip for POS Systems
With today’s ever-evolving technology, it is critical for systems to be up-to-date. “As technology continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, you need to make
sure that the POS system you choose today won’t become obsolete tomorrow.
This makes it critical to research the top options and make sure that the one
you select is active and regularly updated with the latest features,” New York City Business Solutions advises.
Target’s recent security breach suggests troubling news: security breaches still happen, and they can even happen to big name companies. Keep your company safe by choosing POS systems with the latest software. Be especially careful when choosing POS systems for establishments with highly regulated stock, like pharmacies. Helpful research also found here.