Commercial security systems and an integral part of any business, and as such they should never be glossed over or taken for granted. However, clunky commercial security services can leave you scrambling to manage the ins and out of the system, making it easier for things to go undetected until it’s too late. This is where integrated security systems come into play.
What Is An Integrated Security System?
An integrated security system is a solution that helps benefit your company in multiple ways. For instance you can have:
- Surveillance.
- Access control systems.
- Entrance alarms.
- A P.A system.
- A professional security guard service.
All of these facets help contribute to keeping your business, and your assets, as secure as possible.
A couple of the biggest ways this benefits your company is:
- Efficiency. An integrated security system allows for the utmost efficiency in your security department. By assigning specific roles to trained personnel, you can allow them to utilize their skills in a focused way that will allow for better security overall. As opposed to having a singular person trying to manage multiple directives, which can lead to distraction and error, individuals who can focus on a specific set of tasks has a better chance of performing above par. This also allows everyone to function more efficiently in their respective areas.
- Centralization. Integrated security systems also allow businesses to receive specific reports from desired sectors, as opposed to having to review each area for combined information that may be connected. By centralizing the responsibilities, you can now have a better understanding of each area. This not only saves time, but it allows for better organization in your business.
- Preventing Theft. Regardless of your company, theft is something you have to remain vigilant of. Whether from outside sources, or even from an employee within, it can happen at any time. One of the best ways to prevent this is by integrating a system that specifically caters to the type of work that you do. Additionally, by having multiple people in charge of different systems, you have more accountability should someone commit internal theft.
- Monitoring in Real Time. With multiple systems in place you will be able to monitor things in real time and see exactly what is going on. This access can even be available remotely when away from the office. Today monitoring can be conducted on your phone, laptop, or tablet. Having this ease of access allows for greater awareness, and a lower chance that something can occur.
- Resolving Conflict. Often times integrated security systems come as a package of multiple security measures; this can include all of what I mentioned above. All of these systems can help resolve workplace conflict by offering those in charge an exact look at what happened and when.
- Increased Productivity. Security systems also help with monitoring employees. This can be used to help increase overall productivity, and in some cases reward those who show tangible dedication. Likewise, this monitoring can help expose those who like slacking off, or otherwise take away from company time. This helps you delegate fairly among your employees, and can especially help when deciding who is deserving of a promotion.
- Savings. Overall, an integrated security system can help you business save money, while making sure it stays protected. This protection helps keep assists secure, and ensure that nothing undesired occurs during or after work hours. Without these systems, should something occur, your business could be left scrambling with no leads to go off of. It’s best to be proactive and invest in a system that can protect you.