The Employer Store

Ecologically Beneficial Cleaning with CO2 Pellets and Dry Ice Blasting

Dry ice has been around for well over half a century, with uses as decorative gas and coolant as well. However, it is also effective as a cleaning agent with dry ice blasting. CO2 pellets are often coated with water in order to release entertaining gas, but as a coolant and cleaner, it is of great quality.

Dry Ice Blasting

This service of CO2 pellets, releasing carbon dioxide gas onto surfaces, helps with what has been proven to be 75% increased cleaning from traditional methods. So many cleaning services are able to use this service, especially considering the nature of carbon dioxide and the fact that it is not troublesome for breathing. With many cleaning chemicals being harmful upon inhalation, there is much to gain from dry ice blasting. Some of these cleaning service options include:

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