Operating any vehicle is a huge responsibility. A massive technological construction filled with a thousand different ways that can go wrong at the drop of a hat? Sometimes you don’t even want to think about it. As you can imagine, insurance is an element you should never be caught driving without. While car insurance and truck insurance is all well and good, aviation insurance is an entirely different field you need to be privy to before you commit to being a pilot. It covers damages to your plane, bad weather and any other aforementioned ‘thing that can go wrong at the drop of a hat’.
Experienced pilots and newcomers alike need to brush up on aviation insurance so that everyone can fly easy.
History classes may not always be the most fun, but they paint a bigger picture of what you’re dealing with in the modern day. There’s a lot we take for granted that wasn’t even considered conceivable just a handful of decades ago! Back in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s gliders were invented as a way to change how humanity interacts with the sky. Leonardo da Vinci was known as a man who could make a mean painting as well as a scientific genius who studied birds on a regular basis to better understand the art of flight.
It wouldn’t be until the mid 1800’s that a plane was actually created. These were smaller models, of course, and could only go so far…but it ended up creating a roller coaster of new technology to follow over the coming century. Gliders turned to powered airplanes, only to later turn to airplanes with advanced abilities that would be used in everything from watering crops to fighting wars. Yes, the history of the plane is a fascinating one and something that could be studied extensively for the technology buff in all of us.
Nowadays millions of people will travel by plane every single day. Some travel for business purposes (planes are much faster than cars and buses), while others take to plane once or twice per year for family vacations. Every single trip needs to be as safe as possible not just for customers, but for the pilots whose responsibility it is to take off and land successfully each and every time. Commercial aviation insurance is not unlike auto insurance in that it protects you from common incidents that could put you out of pocket.
What should you expect from an aviation insurance company? This depends on the kind of commercial aviation insurance you apply for. You have insurance that covers any and all damages that could happen to your aircraft — this can include strikes from lighting (not common, yet devastating), cracks in the window and broken parts. You can also have commercial aviation insurance designed to protect any passengers on the plane that are injured during a trip. Yet more types of insurance can cover damage to a plane while on the ground or damage to the hull, specifically.
Helicopter insurance, fly insurance and seaplane insurance are yet more subcategories that you can tap into to make sure your airline is protected against anything life throws at it. Flying a plane is a massive responsibility and one that needs as many safety nets as possible so everyone has peace-of-mind from the moment they take off to the second they land on the ground. How will you stay safe this year? Let commercial aviation insurance provide you a solid answer.