Everyone needs a place in which to store their furniture and items, and sometimes, a home, apartment, or an office will not have all the room needed for this, so clients can choose to rent warehouse storage instead, and if done right, some great deals can be found on warehouse storage for any customer’s needs. Often, finding these deals can be as simple as performing an Internet search for local commercial warehousing or even warehouses for sale, should that be desired. Residents in Florida, for example, can perform an Internet search for “warehouse space for rent Orlando” or “warehouses in Lakeland FL” and go from there. Just how popular is warehouse storage nowadays, and what can be stored there? Any new customer to warehouse storage may want to follow established tricks and advice so that they can find the best possible deal.
Who Rents Warehouse Storage?
Warehouse space and the occupied distribution of warehouse space has grown quite a bit recently. Ever since the year 2000, warehouse space has climbed by 86.2%, meaning that there is plenty of business for warehouse storage and renting a warehouse among many different customers. Warehouse distribution space managers and warehouse owners have great opportunities to expand their business in the wake of the growth of E-commerce, which is expected to grow about 10% per year over the next five years, and this, in addition to more traditional methods of freight moving, mean plenty of business can be expected in the coming years. And the business itself is going strong; it has been estimated that 166,907 Americans work for the U.S. storage and warehouse leasing industry, and this figure may grow as E-commerce takes off. With all this business for storage, how can a customer go about finding warehouse storage for a fair price?
Find the Deal
For regular citizens, warehouse storage can be used for excess furniture, hobby items, or even preservable foodstuffs like canned food, and such a customer can weigh in factors such as the warehouse’s distance from their residence, the level of security (such as fences, gates with codes, and security cameras), and the monthly charge for the space rented, as well as if there are any hidden or unexpected fees involved. A customer is advised to look over several local options for leasing a warehouse and comparing them before settling on the best deal for the aforementioned factors and more.
For a business, leasing warehouse storage is a great way to store their items until shipping them to retailers and other places where customers can be found, and warehouses are often the middle step between the manufacturing plant and the retailer. According to Ship Hawk, a business looking for warehouse storage for rent should consider a few factors to find the best deal. First of all, the company may consider renting a warehouse that is relatively close to their customers’ location. This allows for faster and cheaper shipping from the warehouse to the customers’ locale, although some businesses may find stiff competition for these nearby warehouses and higher prices. Similarly, the renting company may want to rent a warehouse that is close to their carrier, who will appreciate having a warehouse that is closer to the items’ final destination, and this can also lower costs.
The items being stored, and their quantity, will also dictate what sort of storage site is best for the company. Some items with strict requirements, such as heat, cold, or flame hazard, may require specialized storage and safety requirements, which may eliminate some warehouses from the list of rental spaces to consider. A grocer, for example, will want a warehouse that offers freezers for milk, juices, ice cream, frozen dinners, and similar items, and a company storing explosive or flammable items like containers of natural gas or oil will need a warehouse that can handle this. The company should also find a warehouse whose storage room will accommodate expected growth in the near future, so that the client does not run out of room as their business grows. Finally, the skills, expertise, and qualifications of the warehouses’ crew should be considered, since fragile or dangerous items like dry ice, pesticides, natural gas, or liquid nitrogen may require trained experts who can handle such hazardous materials without causing an accident.