If you have used electrical equipment then you should separate it and figure out exactly what kind of used electrical equipment you have and then determine what you will do with that surplus of used electrical equipment that you have. The Ppe equipment is one thing that you can use and the Siemens bus duct that you have serves a complete and other function. Regardless, the Siemens Electrical panel will be conducive to its use with just about any other Siemens panel board as well. This is one of the key benefits to having used electrical equipment from many different sources. You are bound to have something that is compatible with just about anything else. It makes it so that you know that you need certain things and you are ready and capable of doing them once they come along. If you have a siemens busway electrical socket then you are already making good use of the used transformers that go with the used electrical equipment that you have. This way you can be assured that nothing old or new is going to waste, and you are in a better position to handle it all as it comes your way.