Manufacturing has been a major part of the economy of the United States for many years, and will likely continue to be so for a long time to come. Manufacturing currently makes up 11.6% of the United States’ GDP. From time to time, for one reason or another, manufacturing facilities in the United States need to move from their current facility to a new one. If you’re in charge of the facility relocation project plan, you know you’re in for a big job, as it takes a lot of effort to move manufacturing equipment smoothly and efficiently from one facility to another. Tasks include creating an optimized equipment layout and making sure the process design and layout is improved whenever possible. This article will take a look at several additional things that need to be considered when relocating a manufacturing facility.
- Talking With Factory Layout Consultants: One thing to consider when relocating a manufacturing facility is whether or not you will talk with factory layout consultants. These are experts who can work with you on the best way to set up the layout of a new manufacturing facility. Unless you’re an expert in the area yourself, it would be best to speak with at least one or two factory layout consultants on the best way to set up the new facility. The more information and advice you can gather on this process, the better.
- Consider the New Facility Design: Another thing to consider when relocating a manufacturing facility is the design of the new facility. Generally speaking, the new facility will look little to nothing like the old one, and the equipment will have to be moved and rearranged accordingly to accommodate this change. At no time should you consider the possibility that you can just place the equipment in the same layout as before, because the odds are good that it won’t work out.
- Aim for Optimized Equipment Layout After the Move: And finally, a third thing to consider when relocating a manufacturing facility is how to achieve an optimized equipment layout after the move. In many ways, moving to a new facility can be a great boon for an organization, because it gives you the chance to essentially start over with laying out the equipment. Now you can attempt to create an optimized layout that will improve production but simply couldn’t be done before due to the limitations of the old facility.
In conclusion, there are several things to consider when relocating a manufacturing facility. These things include talking with factory layout consultants, considering the new facility design, and aiming for optimized equipment layout after the move. These are just a few of the things that should be considered when relocating a manufacturing facility.