The COVID-19 crisis has changed a lot of things about the way most companies operate. Where once there were hours of in-person events and meetings, now there are virtual meetings sprinkled throughout the day. Unfortunately, a work from home model isn’t possible for every business. If you’re preparing to bring employees back into the office, here are a few tips to help you do it as safely as possible.
Have Workspaces Professionally Sanitized
Whether your employees work at an online employee training station or as in-person new employee training professionals, it’s crucial to have every workspace sanitized by a team of professionals. That means every desk, computer, phone, and shared space must be fully cleaned and sterilized before anyone can return to the office. In addition, each employee’s space should be stocked with sanitizing tools like antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, and even face masks.
Stagger Employee Schedules
If at all possible, try to keep as few people in shared spaces at the same time as you possibly can. To prepare your employees for this change, it’s a good idea to utilize online training solutions. With these tools, you can ensure that every employee is adequately prepared for their new normal before they even set foot outside of their home. If you can’t stagger schedules the way you want to and operate in a large shared space, adding barriers between desks and spacing everyone out can also help.
Follow Current State Safety Mandates
When you’re in the office, even if you’re distanced appropriately and sanitizing regularly, it’s important to follow state and CDC guidelines for personal safety. Part of your new employee training for being in the office should be to check what state and CDC policies state and relay that information to new hires. In most cases, these safety regulations include wearing a mask at all times and maintaining a distance of at least six feet on all sides while working together in person.
Learning how to be in the office again now that the world has changed might be a challenge. But when you’re keeping your employees safe, the attention to detail will absolutely pay off in the end.