When you consider that every month, there are over 100 billion global searches being conducted, how is a potential customer going to find your business?
Very few adults use the phone book anymore, according to a recent Harris Interactive survey. Approximately 70% of adults use it “rarely” or “never,” as a matter of fact. So, if your primary advertising is in the phone book or local newspapers and other print media, you may want to consider hiring a marketing firm to create a web presence for you.
There is more to developing an Internet presence than just having an online website. In fact, approximately 46% of those polled stated that website design makes a difference in whether or not a company is credible.
Marketing Strategies
There are, of course, a variety of strategies that a web design and development company will recommend. Perhaps you’re familiar with these terms:
- All in one digital solution
- Google pay per click
- Keyword marketing
- Keyword marketing research
- Pay per click advertising
- Search engine marketing
If you are familiar with the above, are you currently employing or utilizing these tools? If not, then you may want to consider hiring a local marketing firm to assist you.
When you hire an Internet marketing firm, they can explain what they’re doing for you as well as how these strategies work. It’s also important to have a website that is mobile friendly. One of the reasons for this is because 52% of paid search clicks are from mobile devices such as cell phones and pads.
Pay per click advertising, according to 83% of the company leaders polled, has proven to bring positive results. You might also be interested to know that for those businesses that used Adwords as part of their marketing strategy, for every dollar spent, they averaged a $2 return.
When potential customers search for products and services, approximately 50% of these queries plugged into search bars are over four words. A search engine marketing agency will conduct keyword research to determine the most effective keywords to use for your business’ website.
Business Marketing Objectives
What are your business objectives? In a recent survey, 54% of those polled said lead generation was their most important objective. For other businesses, 48% stated that increased conversion rates were the most important objective.