When you do business with a financial institution, you want to feel like it’s a relationship that can be sustained for many years to come. Finding a key person in banking that you can trust and who displays mentorship, entrepreneurship, and excellence in what he or she does is an important aspect of building that relationship. For example, if you want to build your business up to be among one of the best seven hotel chains (Hilton, Marriott, Wyndham, Choice International, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, The Hyatt Hotel Corporation, or Carlson Rezidor Hotels), you’ll need an expert business consulting firm with a good point person you can rely on.
FInding the Key To That Relationship
You want to find someone who knows the market and what will help build your business. For example, really working the angle of e-commerce, which in 2013, made over 1 trillion dollars in sales. Additionally, current statistics show that about 40% of internet users internationally have purchased materials or items using a desktop computer, mobile device, tablet, or other device that can access the Internet. That’s a huge market out there and growing more rapidly as tablets become more popular and as almost everyone begins to use a smartphone.
You want to be with someone you can trust to make the right decisions for you and is able to reach out and establish personal connections with everyone he or she comes into contact with. One great way to tell if this person is the right one to represent you is if he or she displays mentorship skills with someone else who is younger or more inexperienced in the firm. The mentorship shows that he or she is taking a vested interest in building something from the ground up and is using all the skills at his or her disposal to make the new or inexperienced person the best they can be. The same idea can apply to your business venture or investment.
You’ll also want to find someone who is at heart, creative and ambitious, and able to think outside the box. They should be willing to go for a crazy idea, but with enough reserve and tact to guide that crazy idea into a real and tangible process. If they have other ideas for how to grow and expand your business, don’t be afraid to hear them out–it could wind up benefitting you in the long run. Your ideal business partner won’t be afraid to start with nothing or almost nothing, if he or she believes in the power of your idea, and will help you build it from the ground up. If you pair entrepreneurship with mentorship, you’re sure to be well on your way to finding a winning business partnership.
Naturally, you want to find the most qualified and professional person available, which is where excellence comes in. You’ll want to find someone who is at the top of their field, with tons of stellar reviews and proof of their good work to get you that last step into greatness.
Looking for mentorship, entrepreneurship, and excellence in your next financial relationship can take you far. Don’t be afraid to be choosy when it comes to entering these types of relationships–you want to do what’s best for you and your company.