One-time shredding services can be used to clear out old files or to get rid of piled up paper work. Credit card statements can be shredded after 45 days, pay stubs can be shredded after a year, as well as W2 forms. Medical records and bills should be kept for one year before shredding. Tax records and receipts should be kept for seven years before shredding. Shredding paperwork that contains personal and financial information is the best way to protect yourself from identity theft.
In addition to avoiding identity theft, there are multiple other benefits of shredding documents. For example, every ton of paper shredded saves 2.42 cubic meters of space in a landfill. Additionally, 80% of paper mills in the United States alone can process recycled paper and reproduce paper products.
Document destruction services provide a low-cost solution to the shredding issue. It saves on staff time spent shredding for small business and a great deal of hassle for everyday people. One-time shredding services can allow you to get rid of everything you need to get rid of without the hassle and expense of buying shredder and then taking the time to shred everything you need to get rid of.
Additionally, shredding can be messy. Tiny little scraps of paper going everywhere. You have to sweep or vacuum every time you finish shredding documents or emptying out the canister in the shredder. Document shredding services take all the hassle out of the process. You can simply bring your documents to the shredding service station or arrange a stop at your home or business.
A document shredding company can come to you with a shredding truck to get rid of everything right there without you having to lug your boxes of paper and documents anywhere. Meanwhile, you still get the peace pf mind knowing your documents have been safely shredded.
Many communities will set up one-time shredding services on an annual basis for their residents. This allows residents the opportunity to get rid of stuff without the hassle of tracking down document shredding companies on their own. While paper shredding may seem like a big hassle, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.