Are you the owner of a business where dozens of your employees are taking in payments on a daily basis such as a call center or collection agency? If so, you most likely already know the importance of secure payment solutions. Secure payment processing solutions are not only crucial for your customer’s protection, but also for your own. Here are a few of the protections you’ll have to choose from as a business owner:
1. Chargeback Protection – One of the most unfortunate occurances that takes place with with ecommerce is chargebacks. That’s why you need to look into chargeback protection for ecommerce. Chargebacks can occur when a credit card is used fraudulently at your business and then weeks or months later either the card holder or the credit card company disputes the charge so that you have to “charge off” the amount paid. Ultimately your business loses money when this happens and they are difficult to dispute.
2. Customer Confirmation Software – Statistics show that by the end of 2015, 1.2 billion people worldwide will have purchased goods and services online. What this means for you as a business owner is that more often than not you won’t be able to physically verify whether or not the credit card being used belongs to the person using it. This is where advancements in customer confirmation software comes in.
3. Card Not Present Fraud Prevention – Did you know that nearly 75% of all internet consumers are concerned about credit card and debit card fraud when shopping online? As a business owner you are not only concerned about the security of your customers but also of your own accounts. Having additional protection for card not present transactions can help ease those concerns.
It may be a surprising figure, but as of early 2013, there were nearly 280 million Visa cards in the United States alone and another 522 million in the rest of the world. Credit cards are king and that’s probably part of the reason your company needs chargeback protection for ecommerce, customer confirmation software, and card not present fraud prevention. Call today!