So many of the common materials that we use every day have been produced with some of the worst pollutants in the world. In this same manner perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) has been used by many companies over the years to produce quality materials and develop stain repellants. However, in the process, a great deal of industrial wastewater has been output over the years.
What is Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS)?
This is a form of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, which is n anthropogenic fluorosurfactant and global pollutant. PFOS served as the primary ingredient in the fabric protectors made by different companies, especially Scotchgard by 3M. Many other stain repellants were developed over the years by numerous companies. Oddly enough these chemicals were made to help keep fabrics permanently clean, but they were the products that added the greatest amount of groundwater pollution around the world.
Moving Away from Water Contaminants of Concern
After all of the years of pouring polluted waters into the ground, lakes, rivers, and oceans, there is much to be gained at this point from moving away from perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and other chemicals of this nature. Rather than using these hard chemicals to protect our fabrics, there is a new consideration for an environmentally friendly method of cleaning our clothes and other materials.
Many Industries Concerned with Cleaning Water
In addition to the production of chemicals over the years that worked for our clean fabrics, there is much to consider in other industries that still contaminate the groundwater. There is much to be said for the systems that could clean up the dirty water left behind by construction contractors, general contractors, and other services. Some of these systems are:
- Commercial construction dewatering
- Commercial dewatering pump
- Commercial dewatering system
- Construction dewatering and treatment
- Different environmental remediation services
- Groundwater contamination remediation
- Groundwater environmental services
- Groundwater management
- Groundwater monitoring and remediation
As we move toward the goal of cleaning groundwater and all other water, there is much that can be done by everyone involved. From watching the disposal that we make from a residential point or even a commercial, there is much to be seen in the level of contamination that will be reduced from the groundwater. Recycling and water treatment are other processes that may seem simple but are able to help keep contaminants from making their way into the ground. Slowly but surely, there is something you can do to improve the cleanliness of water around the world.