Every single day there are countless achievements that go unnoticed. These achievements often don’t just happen. Rather, achievements are attained after years and years worth of work and an unbreakable spirit. It’s part of the reason why the saying goes, “Over night successes aren’t made over night.”
No musician becomes famous after just one concert; no tech guru is called a genius for one idea; no employee creates ever-lasting change on their first day of the job. It’s for these reasons that we can look at a person’s life and see the amount of time and effort that had been put into certain activities, employment, and relationships to bring them to where they are. Diligence is what brings people growth, and that’s something that should be rewarded.
A simple way to reward someone for an incredible short-term or lifetime achievement is to offer them something they can see. While the first thing to come to mind is that of a trophy, it can seem quite tacky, or childish (reminding someone of their little league baseball/softball trophies). Gifts and rewards that would be far better are those of crystal plaques.
Crystal plaques are a simple and sleek way to offer someone a personalized gift that rewards their achievements with a wall-mounted piece that can be added to their home or office. Crystal plaques can be adorned with personalized statements, ranging from their name to the date, from the giver to the achievement itself. Overall, it will be a gift that will feel incredibly special, making the person realize that what they had achieved is something great and wonderful to those around them. Here are some options to consider:
Retirement Award
Careers are a lifetime achievement. While people are starting to switch careers and companies more often nowadays, older generations are much more committed to the companies that they usually start with. With most people retiring by the age of 63, that makes for a long time to be committed to one company from beginning to end. Offering a retiring employee one of many personalized crystal plaques makes for a generous, thoughtful gift that will provide them with something to remember their lifetime of work for years to come.
If you happen to have an employee who has been committed to your company for some time, a “10 Years Service Award” could make for another thoughtful gift, as 58% of respondents state that positive employee engagement through recognition makes for better working standards.
Wedding Anniversary Gift
While there are different symbols that represent the anniversaries of couples weddings — gold, silver, etc. — crystal is the symbol for the fifteenth wedding anniversary. If you happen to know a couple in your life that are approaching their 15th wedding anniversary, personalized crystal plaques could make for a wonderful way to show that you care about them as a couple and as friends.
Police Appreciation Gifts
Entering into the police force requires a great deal of commitment, not only on a person level, but also for the families of those involved. With nearly 740,000 police officers currently working in the United States, that makes for a lot of people and families involved. To show your appreciation to the police officers and their families in their life, a prayer plaque or appreciation gift could make for a something thoughtful and endearing.
Graduation Plaques
College requires a great deal of work, and it comes as no small feat when people graduate, especially with honors. To show your respect and admiration for their accomplishment, you should consider a personalized gift for them. Whether you buy them a frame for their diploma, a photo collage of their years spent there, or one of many crystal plaques that memorializes their time spent there, as well as their degree, it will make for something that will stay with them for the rest of their life.