If you’re decorating t-shirts or other surfaces you’ve probably already considered using printable heat transfer vinyl. It’s a good choice since you can basically do it on any surface that you can apply a hot iron to. It’s also fairly straightforward as far as DIY projects can go.
Printable heat transfer are available in all kinds of finishes, so there’s pretty much anything you might be looking for. You can find matte finishes, glossy, or even glitter finishes. There is something for every taste.
Creating your design to print out is as easy as using the design software of your choice. Keep in mind that you should always be flipping your image before printing it if you want it to look the same as it does in your original design. Otherwise, it will become a mirror image of it. Once you print out the heat transfer you’ll need to cut it out along the desired edges. The heat transfer material is generally quite thin so cutting it out is not a complicated process. In fact, you should actually be mindful that you’re not cutting too carelessly otherwise you might accidentally slip and cut something that you don’t want to.
At that point, you’re ready to start ironing on the heat transfers. Generally, it’s better to go with natural materials than synthetic ones when choosing items for the heat transfer, since they might not be able to withstand the heat. Think stronger materials like cotton and canvas. If you’re using material that might possibly shrink in the wash, it’s a good idea to pre-wash it. If you don’t pre-wash it and then apply the heat transfer you might find some wrinkling around the edges of the heat transfer after the item is shrunk in the wash.
The actual iron on process is fairly simple. You’ll want to peel off any negative space that you don’t want to transfer and then arrange the iron pieces exactly how you’ll want them on the material. At that point, you’ll want to follow the exact directions on your specific transfer item, but generally, it’s recommended to use a very hot iron. Some also suggest that put a towel between the heat and the transfer, but always check the actual instructions on your desired work.
The fun thing about working with printable heat transfer vinyl is that almost anyone can do it, but the creative freedom surrounding it is totally unlimited. Everyone has the opportunity to create their own designs that they want to use for the ironing on process, so it can always look and feel totally unique. It’s also low mess as far as crafts go, and it doesn’t require too many tools to make it a reality.
It’s fun to make printable heat transfer vinyl items for your own use, but they’re also a great thing to sell. There are about two billion t-shirts sold each year so you don’t ever have to worry about that market drying up. Often when you’re creating items with printable heat transfer vinyl it’s to use as promotional items. This is actually a great way to get the word out about products.
As many as 31 percent of U.S. consumers own a promotional bag, which means when they’re wearing it out and about people are going to see it and become familiar with the name. An even higher number of 53 percent use a promotional item of some sort at least once a week, whether that’s a mug or a t-shirt.
It’s clear to see that the printable heat transfer vinyl process is easy enough to use and it can be a great way to market brands or even to make money.