In this growing and changing world, the world of real estate is of course growing and changing as well. Fortunately, realtor CMA software is there to help. CMA software for realtors can make it easier to keep track of the trends in the real estate world, some of which will be discussed in this short article. However, this article simply does not have the space to encompass all of the trends that can be looked at and analysed through the use of CMA software for realtors, and this is certainly something to keep in mind.
But for one, CMA software for realtors (or comparative market analysis software for realtors) can be used to chart why houses are being bought. While some people might think it’s obvious – you buy a house because you want to live in it – more and more people are actually buying houses for investment purposes. In fact, this demographic makes up nearly twenty percent (nineteen percent, to be more exact) of all current people who are looking to buy home or who have recently bought a home (as was cataloged in the year of 2016, only a couple years back from our present date here at the tail end of the year of 2018).
Investment properties are bought for a number of reasons. Some people are looking to fix them up and rent them out, while others are looking to improve upon them and then go on to sell them at a higher price than they were bought for. When a real estate agent is selling an investment property, it is important to note that they should expect the property to sell for a lower price than it would have had it been in better shape. Instead of imploring the current owners to fix up the property before selling, it can be sold as an investment property, which can be great for homes that have been foreclosed on as well as for families who need to move from their home in a relatively rapid manner and can’t spend the time or the money on fixing it up and preparing it to be placed on the market.
Many people will also use CMA software for realtors to get a better look at who is buying the homes. For instance, the population of Millennial and Gen Y home owners is one that is consistently on the rise. By the time that the year of 2017 had drawn to a close, members of the Millennial and Gen Y generations made up nearly thirty five percent of recent a home sales – and that percentage is one that is only expected to keep growing and growing in the years that are to come.
Marketing a home to young people is often different than selling a home to an older couple or single older person. For one, younger couples are often looking to start a family, and when couples are looking to start a family in the next few years or perhaps have already started one and have a child or a child on the way, the home that they are looking for will often be very different than their single counterparts.
A home with enough space for growth, for instance, will be essential for any young family. Many families will also be interested in homes that have ample outdoor spaces, big yards, and highly walkable neighborhoods. This can account for the fact that up to eighty percent of all residential growth anticipated to occur over the course of the next decade, the next ten years or so, is very much anticipated to take place in the suburbs.
And this is the third thing that CMA software for realtors can be used for. CMA software for realtors can effectively be used to chart where people are moving to – and why. In this case, the answer is often just the fact that people are getting older, and are ready to settle down with their partner or spouse and start their families and lives together.