Currently, marijuana for medical reasons is legal in 23 states and the District of Columbia. That number is expected to grow in the next few years as more and more conditions are being found to be helped by the use of medical marijuana and about 76% of American doctors approve using it to treat patients. The number of Americans who support making it legal for all reasons has climbed to nearly 60%, in 2010 only 17% of people thought it should be legalized. Medical marijuana consulting firms are popping up all over to help people open dispensaries in their cities and states.
If you are interested in getting into the medical marijuana business, you should enlist the help of a medical marijuana consulting to get you started. There are a lot of rules and regulations you need to follow to get your business up and running.
Steps to Starting a Medical Marijuana Business:
- Write up a business plan. Like any other start-up company, you need a well thought out and reasoned business plan to show potential partners and investors. The medical marijuana consulting firm can provide key help with this. You need to look into where you will buy it, how you will store it and how you will market your new business to get new customers. You also need to look into how you will handle your banking and what you will do about security. Medical marijuana dispensaries are targets for theft and you will have a lot of cash on hand. It may be worth it hire some security personnel to keep your store and staff safe.
- Get the right business license and insurance. Every locality where medical marijuana is legal has its own rules and regulations that you have to follow. Your medical marijuana consulting firm can help you navigate these waters and get the right government blessings and business license for selling marijuana in state to open your new business. Most state governments and the District of Columbia are pretty strict about these rules.
- Find the right location. Again, you should work with your medical marijuana consulting for guidance in this area. Most places where medical marijuana is legal have strict requirements about where you can open it. There are rules about how far medical marijuana dispensaries have to be from schools or other places where small children go. Most of the rules make good common sense but you have to make sure all of your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed in this area. Remember to keep your security needs in mind when you look at rental spaces.
- Develop your brand and spread the word. Once you have the contracts, have a supplier, hired some staff and security, your business license and your store is all ready to open, now you need to get people in the door. Your brand is more than just a slogan or motto, it is your business ethic and the core of your business. Many successful start-ups use both traditional and social media channels to spread the word about your business. Facebook, Twitter and other sites can provide you with great opportunities to let people know about your new medical marijuana dispensary.
Nearly 92% of patients who have tried medical marijuana report having positive effects from their treatment with it. It is used for a wide array of conditions from post traumatic stress disorder to cancer and chronic pain. As more and more conditions are treated with it, the business opportunities will only grow. Some think that pot will be made completely legal for all purposes around the country within the next few years.
Regardless of what happens with the legalization of marijuana, its use for medical purposes is here to stay. By working with a medical marijuana consulting firm, you can get started in this business with your best foot forward and be poised to succeed and help a lot of people at the same time.