If you’re looking to make a difference in this world, consider a charitable donation of nearly any kind. After all, very nearly three quarters of all people in this country will donate goods to charity at least once throughout the course of the typical year, if not even more frequently than that. In addition to this, more than 95% of the population throughout the United States have said that they have donated to a charitable organization throughout their lifetime, something that shows a considerable uptick in how many people are giving to various charities over the course of their lives.
But what if you simply do not have the funds to make a charitable donation to the charity of your choice? After all, many people find themselves struggling to make ends meet in today’s day and age, when life has become much more expensive than ever before. For many people, all money that comes in is money that must be saved, as this money will go towards many of the costs of living. Ultimately, this leaves little left over even for leisure purposes – and certainly for any charitable organizations, even though the value of charitable donations is a high one.
Fortunately, there are ways in which just about everyone can donate to charity, namely in the form of used clothing donations. Even other types of textiles can also be donated, as up to nearly 100% of all textile products, including garments, can easily be recycled. Unfortunately, far too few people know where to donate household items and instead, clothing that could become clothes donations is sent to landfills. Unfortunately, recycling rate for textiles including clothing products is only around 15%. This means that textiles alone are accounting for as much as 5% of all municipal waste and that the average person is sending up to 70 pounds of clothing and other textile products over the course of the single year. There is no doubting the fact that this is a serious problem indeed, and not one to be minimized but instead a problem that should very much be taken seriously.
Fortunately, making charitable clothing donations has become easier than ever before. For starters, knowing where to donate household items is most certainly a great first step in donating to charity and avoiding the landfills. Fortunately, the knowledge of where to donate household items has become easier to gain access to than ever before. If you’re wondering where to donate household items, look for donation pick up locations in your neighborhood. These donation pick up locations have provided an easy answer to the question of where to donate household items. And with donation pick up locations around, where to donate household items has become an easier thing than ever before. After all, figuring out where to donate household items is half the battle. When you know where to donate household items – and easily at that – the incentive to make charitable donations such as charitable clothing donations grows all the higher.
Of course, once you know where to donate household items you’ll have to figure out what items it is that you want to donate. Fortunately, having a true abundance of clothing is something that is quite commonplace for people all throughout the United States. After all, the average person living here now has more clothing than ever before in history. As a matter of fact, the average person living today has up to double the clothing than someone living even a mere 20 years in the past would have access to. For many people, there is more clothing than what they really even know what to do with.
Getting rid of old clothing can be hard, but following a few simple rules can most certainly help to go through this process after finding out where to donate household items, including clothing. For instance, getting rid of anything that no longer fits you is ideal, as such clothing is likely only taking up space in your closet. In addition to this, you should also get rid of anything that you haven’t worn in six month, especially if you live in a two season or less climate.