Burning. Flames. Smoke. Is there an alarm beeping?
Cost of hotel and motel fires: $76 million.
Deaths in hotel and motel fires: 15 annually.
Injuries in hotel and motel fires: 150 annually.
And that’s just the a segment of the hospitality industry.
Industries that are affected by faulty fire prevention systems: hospitals, hospitality, offices, apartments, nursing facilities. Issues with fire alarms: batteries, electrical wiring. Issues with fire safety equipment: working extinguishers, dated extinguishers. Barriers to education: Fire behavioral response.
In simpler terms: What to do when your building or apartment is on fire.
Companies, organizations, and firefighters work to prevent these fires. Death and injury, lost property. Statistics are analyzed. Where/when/how do these fires occur? Has everyone done their jobs?
- Four property classes account for 50% of all high rise fires: apartments, hotels, offices, and facilities that cared for the sick.
- Warehouses have the highest property losses but less injuries per fire.
- In 2010, there were 1,200 fires in hospitals.
There becomes the question: Why did these fires occur? One answer lies in the sprinklers.
Fire sprinklers employ a water source. When a fire alarm is triggered, water is pumped through the system with a certain pressure. When that pressure reaches the sprinkler, it is sprayed across the area.
Statistics show that hotel rooms with sprinklers averaged 78% less damage than hotel rooms with sprinklers. For buildings with sprinklers, averages losses occurred at $2,300 compared to an average loss for buildings without sprinklers of $10,300. These are not willy-nilly statistics. They were researched by the National Fire Protection Association.
Within the sprinkler is the alarm system. So why do alarms malfunction? Is there a solution for this?
The truth is: A combination of automatic sprinklers and early warning systems in all buildings could reduce overall injuries, loss of life, and property losses by 50%.
Therein lies a possible avenue to combat fires: the fire alarm inspection.
If buildings had a fire alarm and a sprinkler system, their systems need to be inspected to determine if they are operational and effective at dealing with a disaster situation. It takes just a few minutes, or at most an hour, depending on the size of the system. Then this issue would be revealed:
44% of dry or possibly wet system failures were due to lack of maintenance.
A fire protection company. A fire protection service. Fire alarm systems that are in need of fire alarm inspections. The fire alarm inspection provides value. Critical value, that in the presence of losses of life or injury or property.
The losses will be devastating without a fire alarm inspection.
An interesting viewpoint: Data industries.
- Everything covered is crucial to safeguarding data centers.
- These places hold critical business and organizational information around the world.
- Spending around the world on these centers will approach $150 billion this year.
Electrical malfunction. Cooking fires. Cigarettes.
A fire has a beginning. A source. A method.
Limiting property loss is possible. Limiting lives lost is possible. Limiting injuries is possible.
Sprinklers and fire alarms. If they’re running, they save lives. If they’re defective or need to be looked at, they will struggle.
Look into a fire alarm inspection. It may save lives. More on this. Good references.