The long, hot, and sleepy dog days of summer are slowly coming to an end and that means school will be back in session before you know it. Sure, there are still a few trips to the amusement or water park that need to be made, there are still a few swims yet to be enjoyed in the pool, a few county fairs or festivals yet to be attended, and of course a few hot dogs yet to be eaten, but summer is slowly winding down in favor of cool fall weather and nightly homework.
But as painful — and necessary — as homework, back to school shopping can actually be kind of — if not really — fun.
Even though laptop computers and smart devices such as tablets are excellent tools and resources for today’s students in the digital age, back to school shopping for school supplies such as 3 ring vinyl binders, cheap laser labels, numbered dividers, and spiral notebook graph paper is still a necessity.
However, back to school shopping for these vital supplies can be an excellent way to build excitement and enthusiasm for the new school year. Having the right school supplies prepares children for the school year ahead by giving them the tools and resources they need to excel in their classes. After all, spiral notebook graph paper isn’t necessarily meant for doodling drawings of spaceships, writings notes to friends, or making paper planes.
Back to school shopping with your children is also an excellent opportunity to bond and talk with your children about the upcoming school year. It presents the perfect opportunity to listen to any potential anxieties or concerns about what the new school year may hold, and is a great time to discuss tough issues such as bullying, underage drinking, and relationships.
So in between picking up spiral notebook graph paper, pencils, and a 3 ring binder, take the time to ask your child what they hope the next school year will bring. More on this topic.