Printing is a major ordeal at almost any office or job. Printing costs including copying typically add up to be the third largest bill that majority of companies pay. With roughly 10,000 pages being printed per year by any worker, knowing simple things you can do to reduce the amount of toner, ink and the amount of hp printer maintenance needed can save loads of money. Read below to see some simple tips that can go a long way to save time, money and resources.
Consider What Your Printing
Consider and think about what you are printing. There are some things that do not need to be printed to paper, especially if they are being printed just to be scanned once again. You can print to a PDF document instead of printing to paper. This will print it to your computer so that you can save it. This is especially helpful when attaching files to an email. This can help to reduce paper costs, reduce printer supplies used, reduce to amount of storage space needed in an office, and possibly reduce the amount of hp printer maintenance that is needed.
Color vs Black and White
There are times when printing in color is necessary, but not all of the time. Sometimes simply checking your settings before you print can help reduce hp printer maintenance and printer and copier cartridge supplies. Many times people just hit print without looking at settings. If you typically print in black and white and find yourself needing a color print, it is easy to forget to change those settings after you print your color copy. If you are not used to checking before hitting print then you could find yourself printing plenty of needless color copies when you actually could have used black and white copies.
Double Sided Prints
Many times when you need to print two sheets of paper it can be printed double sided rather than single sided. By double checking to make sure that your printer is set to print on both sides of the paper, you can help reduce the amount of paper that you have to use. Two sided printing is incredibly useful especially when it is not something that you need to scan. When filing and placing papers in a binder or a notebook, double sided printing can actually save space when it comes to storing papers.
Font Matters
Choosing a font that is printer friendly means that you can save money on toner as well as hp printer maintenance and repairs. Certain fonts use less toner and ink compared with others. If there is no need for a certain font then choosing century Gothic or times roman could actually save more toner compared to Arial font which can use much more toner than the two previously mentioned fonts. Choosing the best font for your printer can help save money on not only paper used to print, but also the amount of toner that is used while printing.
Margins Matter
Adjusting your margins can allow for more information to be printed on a sheet of paper. Narrow margins can mean fewer pieces of paper. Other things that can also cut down on printing costs include smaller font and line spaces that are closer together. This can mean one sheet of paper rather than two. Smaller font also means that less toner is used, which can save you money on hp printer maintenance costs. Consider these pointers to save even more on printing costs.
Consider these simple quick and easy ways to save supplies and reduce the amount of hp printer maintenance that is needed. Simple steps can go a long way to making a big difference for any office. With the amount of printing that goes on, if each employee were to choose one thing that they wanted to focus on, the difference seen would be a major impact. Sometimes it’s the little steps that make the biggest difference, and all of these tips are suggestions of small steps towards that bigger impact.