The sale of construction machines continues to grow each year as construction activities increase. In 2017, it was forecasted that 809,000 construction machines would be sold around the world. However, buying construction machines has never been an issue as compared to taking care of such precious and expensive equipment. One of the commonly bought and sensitive industrial systems is the caterpillar final drive travel motors, which needs regular care and attention.
As a plant and equipment operator, you have first-hand information about what poor care and maintenance of caterpillar final drive travel motors can cause. The performance of final drive motors is highly dependent on regular care and maintenance. With regular repair and maintenance, you can be sure that you will extend the life of your final drive motor for caterpillar. Here are some of the few maintenance tips that you should incorporate.
Analyze and Change Gear Oil
For proper functioning of your caterpillar final drive travel motors, you should check the suitability of the oil. If you notice discoloration or anything out of the norm, change the oil so that the hydraulic travel motor can perform efficiently. You can as well incorporate a habit of changing the oil gear every year. After removing the oil, make sure that all the debris and metal shavings have been removed. You should also be careful not to mix different oils.
Bearing Oil
It is common knowledge that bobcat final drive travel motors requires a special lubricant for the main bearing. As a rule of the thumb, bearing oil should be changed about every 600 hours. With regular changes in bearing oil, your system will have maximum and efficient lubrication, and you can be sure that it will be operating optimally.
Solve Leaking Problems
Every time you are thinking about final drive parts and repair, always pay maximum attention to leaks. Caterpillar final drive travel motors have been known to exhibit significant levels of leaks, which could prove to be dangerous to any system. Hydraulic leaks and gear oil leaks are some of the damaging leaks that you should check and find a way out to seal them. You might ignore minor leaks, but they could prove to be dangerous through corrosion and blocking of vital components.
Clean Undercarriage
Another strategic method of keeping your caterpillar final drive travel motors is following a strict undercarriage cleaning schedule. Most of the caterpillar operators neglect the cleaning aspect because they do not think that it has much to offer. However, regular cleaning of the undercarriage helps in removing the debris that gets packed at the undercarriage. Most of the debris play a role in loosening the final drive and can cause huge leaks.
Case Drain Filters
As you already know, clogged case drain filters can cause significant problems to the caterpillar final drive travel motors. For the case of the motors that require case drain filters, especially the Bobcat T-Series machines, you need to make sure that the filters are regularly checked properly for final drive motor to function. Clean all the case drain filters such that they have a bronze or gold color.
Special Precautions
When you are dealing with caterpillar final drive travel motors, make sure that you act professionally at any given time. For example, pay huge attention to component sourcing, lubricants, and consider warranties. These issues are extremely important in any plant and machinery maintenance. Moreover, all the maintenance and repair issues should be handled by professionals to avoid compounding the existing excavator drive motor problems.
Our family at Mini Final Drives has been providing excellent Quality, Value, and Service for over 50 years, and you can continue to count on us for a lifetime of friendly, helpful support for all your final drive and travel motor needs. Call us today at 877-483-2806 or visit our online store at www.minifinaldrives.com to find and order what you need today for Fast and Free delivery to your door.