Buying from and shipping to the Virgin Islands can be very beneficial, but in order to ensure a good experience, you need to know the basics of shipping to the Virgin Islands. There are many options for American cargo shipping to Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and surrounding U.S. Territories. While many people choose to ship via American air sea cargo and ground cargo are other options. Below are a few things you should know about shipping to the Virgin Islands before attempting to do so.
You can pay the same domestic rates as domestic delivery to ship to the Virgin Islands
While most people would assume that shipping to the Virgin Islands would be much more expensive than shipping within the 50 states, this is not always true. In fact, the United States Postal Service charges the same rates to ship to the Virgin Islands as they do for domestic, state-to-state deliveries.
U.S. origin items are exempt from duties when shipped to the Virgin Islands
Again, you may assume that shipping to the Virgin Islands would be more expensive than shipping within the United States; however, items that originated in the United States are actually exempt from duties. Although, these items are still taxed based upon the product.
Non-U.S. origin items are subject to duties
This may be obvious after what you just read, but items that do not originate in the United States are subject to duties. These duties will be the difference between the typical Virgin Islands duty (6%) and the duty paid when the item entered the U.S. So, if when the item was brought into the U.S., and the carrier was charged a duty of 2%, you would pay 4% when bringing it to the Virgin Islands.
Certain cargo requires an Electronic Export Information (EEI) file
Different types of cargo will require you to fill out an Electronic Export Information file. Cargo shipped via freight that is worth over $2,500 requires that you file an EEI. Many times, the company you hire to ship your cargo will take care of this for you, but it’s best to make sure.
American air cargo is the safe bet for fast shipping
While many people are aware that air cargo will result in faster shipping, they may not be aware that it can also be the cheaper option. In fact, freight, labor and packaging costs can all be minimized because of faster transportation times and better security. It will also be less likely that the product is damaged. While it’s much quicker to ship via American air sea cargo and ground cargo may be a good option if you aren’t shipping perishable goods and/or in a hurry.
The speed of delivery you select determines how your item is shipped
It is important to realize how your product will be shipped when selecting your shipping option. Most shipping companies will not overtly say “ship via air” or “ship via sea,” instead, the efficiency and speed you select will determine how your item is shipped. While Express, priority and first-lass mail are delivered via American air sea cargo and ground cargo are typically used for all other deliveries.