What kind of security does your business use? Are you concerned about the security you use? Many companies have alarm systems. Alarms are used by one in seven businesses. If you have an alarm system, you should know there is a delay built into most systems. The time frame for this delay range is 30 seconds to three minutes. This is a delay in the system communicating with the monitoring company. Burglaries cost people and businesses about $4.5 billion in property loses in 2013. Most of this was in homes. Nearly three quarters of the burglaries were in residential areas. If you have concerns about who is coming and going from your business, you may want to look into advanced access control systems.
1. Look at Advanced Access Control Systems That Use Biometrics:
These advanced access control systems are very popular among security experts today. Some experts argue that these systems will be a part of all or most commercial security systems in coming years because they see them as being the most effective systems out there.
The advanced access control systems that incorporate biometrics use fingerprints to allow access. These systems are hard to fool or to get around. If you have concerns about security or are worried about your intellectual property and want to limit access to certain areas of your business, this is one way to do effectively do that. These advanced access control systems with biometrics offer real security that is hard to beat.
2. Talk to a Commercial Security Products Experts:
As great as technology can be, no commercial security solutions are complete unless you have competent security personnel behind them. The company you contract with needs to have decent people handling the monitoring. It has been estimated that between 94 and 98% of all alarm activations end up being found to be false alarms. It takes about 20 minutes for police to look into each false alarm call they get. You want a monitoring company that can weed out the false alarms.
At the same time, the peace of mind you get from knowing security professionals are watching your business when you cannot goes a long way.
3. Find a good locksmith who handles commercial projects.
No business security systems can be compete without help from a commercial locksmith. These professionals are crucial for your mechanical security systems. You may have the most sophisticated and advanced access control systems in place but the chances are that you also have regular old locks that use keys. There are no businesses that do not benefit from the services that are provided by commercial locksmiths. More and more, industry specific locksmiths are opening businesses to cater to different kinds of businesses.
A good commercial locksmith should be able to access your security networks, advanced access control systems, complex systems and, yes, locks. Most commercial locksmiths have many years of experience and can be a valuable resource for your when you are designing your security systems. Often commercial security systems hire locksmiths to help with quality control and routine maintenance.
4. Invest in a Video Surveillance System.
Closed circuit television (CCTV) monitoring systems can be very effective. In retail, they have been shown to reduce burglaries by about 67%. In your business, video surveillance cameras can be a very effective security measure. These systems are very popular. They allow you to be at your business when you cannot physically be at your business.
The CCTV systems allow easy viewing. Breaks ins are prevented because the video surveillance cameras capture everything. If someone does break into your business, you will be able to view and show the police the footage from all angles of the incident. Many companies use these systems today because they are so effective. If you are concerned about theft or problems with your employees, they can be effective at preventing that as well. The impact they have on police response time acts as a deterrent against burglaries.
Improving the security at your business should be a priority. More and more options for commercial security are becoming available to keep your products and intellectual property safe. From advanced access control systems to plain locks, you can protect your business.