From industrial machinery transport services to LTL freight companies, many aspects of the industry of transportation has grown considerably here in the United States. There are a number of reasons that this is the case, and some will be discussed later on in this article. It’s important to know, however, that the world of transportation, from the prevalence of industry machinery transport services to specialty freight services, has changed in a big way, not only just here in the United States but in many other places all throughout the world as a whole as well.
After all, this shift – this increase, you could say – can be clearly seen in all of the data that has been gathered on the subject. The amount of cargo being transported on a yearly basis is very much on the rise. Back in the year of 2013, only around 15 billion tons of cargo were transported in various parts of the United States over the course of 12 months. While this is still a relatively high and impressive amount and cargo in and of itself, it is one that is expected and very much anticipated to rise by the time that we reach the year of 2040, now just over 20 years away. By this year, nearly 19 billion tons of cargo will be transported over the course of a single year – and it will be no surprise if the amount of cargo transported on a yearly basis only continues to climb from that point onwards, indefinitely into the future.
In addition to this, the overall value of cargo is on the rise as well. Back in that same year of 2013, now nearly six years ago, each ton of cargo was only worth around $882 at the very most. Over the course of the next 21 one years, this value will rise to one of more than $1,300 per every ton that is transported. In such a relatively short period of time, this is nothing if not a truly impressive amount of growth to be seen.
Of course, this means that the trucking industry – and the industry of transportation as a whole, as a matter of fact – has had to change and adjust accordingly, often in quite considerable and notable ways. In fact, the need for industrial machinery transport services is one such area where the increase in the need for transportation services can be seen, as the increase of industrial machinery transport services very much reflects the growth of the manufacturing industry here in the United States. And as this industry continues to grow and grow, the need for industrial machinery transport services is likely to only continue to grow and to grow.
Aside from industrial machinery transport services, LTL shipping services have also grown in quite the considerable way. Already, the LTL market alone has reached a total market value of around $35 billion, an amount that can only be anticipated to grow in the years that are to come. LTL shipping – which stand for less than truckload shipping, if you’re not already aware – has skyrocketed in popularity and necessity alike, with less than truckload carriers being requested with more and more demand with each passing year not just here in the United States but likely in many other places all throughout the world as well, something that should, of course, also be considered.
And e-commerce is behind it all, as the market value of e-commerce itself has already surpassed $462 billion – and is only likely grow, likely in an exponential way, from this point on. After all, Internet access is more widespread than ever before in the history of this country and of the world, with more than three billion people connected to the internet on a consistent basis all throughout the planet. This has allowed online shopping – or e-commerce – to really take off, and has pushed the need for things like industrial machinery transport services and less than truckload shipping services higher the never before in the U.S.