Are you essential?
This only slightly sarcastic question is one that Americans are hearing a lot these days as people adjust to a new normal. Essential workers can still go into the office, while others are required to work from home. There are also major differences between businesses that are essential and allowed to operate as usual with some safety precautions and those that are deemed nonessential and have been required to close. And while stores that supply home construction materials are essential to the economy, there are many other services like salons and clothing boutiques that have move to a strictly online format.
Not surprising, those who have the resources are using this sheltering in place time to take on some major home improvement projects. And for those property owners who do not possess the skills to complete these projects on their own, this is also a perfect time to schedule contractors to tackle some of the more labor intensive projects. One time when it is in your best interest to hire a certified contractor is when it comes to the windows in a home. Whether you are looking to add a tint to protect from sun streaming into an upstairs master bedroom closet or you are looking at decorative window tinting for the entire front of a house, it is worth your time to invest in professionals.
Windows Can Add Significant Value to a Home of Any Size
From preventing break-ins to the benefits of solar control glass tinting, the decision about the kind of windows that you install in your home can provide some major advantages. In fact, some of these products are so important that they are now available as an upcharge for some new construction projects. The advantages of solar control glass tinting, for instance, offer not only a savings in energy costs, but also limit, and sometimes completely erase, the amount of damage that is done to furnishings and floor coverings.
Building managers, facility managers, home owners associations, home owners, business owners, corporations, and anyone that needs window film advice will get the best results if they work with a professional crew that has experience in adapting their products to specific kinds of spaces. For instance, the solar control glass tinting that is found in some of the newest and most energy efficient office buildings also helps create a more productive atmosphere. In addition, workplace window tinting and the latest solar control glass tinting can also provide a safer work environment. Workers are still able to see out, but the public is not able to see in, providing a safer space for companies that often have thousands of dollars of electronics on desks.
Did you know that at least 50% of long wave ultraviolet A (UVA) rays can pass through windows? This is the reason that so many building contractors, architects, and interior designers see window film as an effective solution, offering substantial indoor protection by blocking as much as 99.9% of UVA radiation. In fact, research indicates that the latest residential and commercial window films can cut down glare by more than 50% while still allowing 30% to 80% of visible light to get through.
In another interesting and recent International Window Film Association survey, researchers found that more than 52% of respondents indicated that they worry about the sun fading their drapes, carpets, and home furnishings. In contrast, however, the same recent International Window Film Association survey found that more than two-thirds of U.S. adults believe that when they are inside, the sun cannot damage their skin. Filling in the gap between being afraid that furnishings and flooring will be damaged to thinking that your skin is safe has been a challenge in the past. With the latest window coatings, however, there are many ways to protect both persons and possessions.
Fortunately, even during the latest shut downs for the health of the nation, most local governments have decided that the construction industry is vital to the economy of the nation. As a result, you might be able to use your time at home to help you upgrade the windows in your home for safety.