There is no doubt about it that steel is a hugely important material here in the United States. After all, more than one and a half billion tons of crude steel were produced in the year of 2017 alone, marking a nearly 4% increase from the preceding year of 2016. In the years since, the amount of crude steel produced has continued to rise – and is still likely to continue to keep climbing in the years that are to come as well.
After all, steel is an incredibly versatile material, used in the process of induction melting (said induction melting can be conducted with a steel melting induction furnace and various induction heating equipment). For many people, the process of induction melting is one that provides them with a career – and a stable one at that – and so too does steel production as a whole, with the process of induction melting just one single part of that. After all, induction melting is a process that takes a good deal of skill, as the melting point of steel is a high one indeed, around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. So while this is not the highest melting point of all metals, it is still sufficiently high enough that the process of induction melting is one that certainly must be handled with precision and care – or else induction melting through the use of a metal melting furnace or even a used induction furnace can prove to be quite dangerous indeed.
But because steel is so readily produced and quite impressively durable, it’s a very versatile material as well. For instance, steel is typically used, after the process of induction melting and the following processes are completed, for the creations of buildings and various types of infrastructure, many of which last for many years after first being constructed. In fact, up to a good half of all of the steel produced throughout the world is used for these purposes alone, used to create building with incredible integrity that stand the test of time and anything else that might come their way as well. After all, steel is ideal for the building process, as it is durable but flexible, long lasting and tough, with many people feeling quite safe in just about any building with a steel framework (as has become commonplace for soaring skyscrapers not just here in the United States but all throughout the world as a whole).
Steel is much more versatile and is certainly not just used for the creation of various buildings and elements of infrastructure, as truly important and even innovative this use of steel can be. In fact, around 13% of all of the words steel is used with the automotive industry as well. This use of steel, typically to create a steel cage for just about any given car, has proven to make cars and other such motor vehicles truly safer than they have ever really been before. For many people, after all, safety is a must when considering the purchase of a new car, and the presence of a steel cage inside the structure of the car (as is becoming more and more commonplace in many a car of today) can actually mean the difference between life and death – or at least severe injury – in the unfortunate event of a rollover accident. Many people would actually pay considerably more for a vehicle that has such a feature in place.
Steel can even be used in many more ways as well. Combined, more than 15% of the world’s steel (around 16%, to be just a little bit more exact) is actually used for both the industry of manufacturing as well as the robotics industry. Both of these industries are certainly of a huge and considerable importance here in the United States, and must be treated as such. Therefore, the use of steel within them must be viewed as just as important as the use of steel for any other purpose in this world.