From maritime litigation to the juvenile courts, there are many different legal proceedings out there – and many different highly trained and highly skilled legal professionals out there to handle them. For instance, Judge Ward alone handled more than 150 different jury trials. This very same judge dealt with even more patent cases as well, and up to 150 claim construction hearings to boot. And from Judge Ward to Judge Dennis Cavanaugh, who has been the United States District Court Judge since the year of 2000 and was once the United States Magistrate Judge, there is no shortage of prominent people in the legal world.
After all, the legal world of the United States is an incredibly vast and broad one indeed. For many people, this world can seem incredibly complex and even incredibly confusing. Therefore, if you find yourself facing any serious legal issues (or perhaps even a more minor one), hiring a professional lawyer or attorney is an absolute must. Such a professional will help you to navigate the murky waters of legal practice (murky waters to you, at least, as someone who is not experienced with such a world) and come out the other side quite successful indeed.
Such is the case for many a bankruptcy filing. Unfortunately, bankruptcy filings are hugely common throughout the United States. Medical bankruptcy is climbing in prevalence and will likely only continue to climb as long as getting medical treatment remains so costly even for those who have medical insurance, and decent medical insurance for that matter. Chapter 11 debtors are also very much common, with more than three quarters of such debtors being a part of a small business, one with less than 50 employees and no more than $10 million in yearly revenues, assets, or liabilities. If your find yourself in need of filing for bankruptcy, hiring a bankruptcy lawyer is something of an absolute must, to say the very least.
Of course, maritime litigation will require the aid of a lawyer as well. Issues of maritime litigation can be murky, as this is often the nature of maritime law itself. Maritime litigation should, therefore, always be handled by a professional in the field. Trying to handle matters of maritime litigation without such a professional is only likely to end up with quite poor results at the end of the day. Ultimately, maritime litigation is something that needs to be taken quite seriously indeed, to say the very least.
And maritime litigation is certainly not the only aspect of our legal world that this holds true for. In addition to maritime litigation, personal injury litigation is also hugely prevalent throughout our country and is best left to the professionals to handle. After all, a good lawyer will be able to get a personal injury case handled and concluded through the process of mediation, all before it ends up in a court room and seen before a judge. Fortunately, only around 4% of all personal injury cases will ever end up in a court of law, as the vast majority of all such cases will be able to be settled prior to this.
Family court cases can also be handled by an experienced mediator, as can divorce cases (and the two, as many legal professionals know, often very much go hand in hand). Divorce cases can be difficult, to be certain, but a mediator with experience in such matters can help to make them as streamlined and as straight forward as is humanly possible. The same can be said for various cases surrounding the discussion of child custody, a factor that can make any divorce case all the more complex, complicated, and difficult. For many people, hiring a mediator very much serves to be the right choice to make – and even the most cost effective one, for that matter.
At the end of the day, there are a great many legal cases out there in the world and a great deal of variation and diversity among these legal cases. The proper management of legal cases is hugely important, from personal injury litigation to even maritime litigation, as it will greatly impact the outcome.