The times they are a changin.’ And as everything from the public restroom gender signs to department store dressing room signs change to adapt to these changes, many businesses find themselves looking for new ADA compliant signs
as well.
The American Disabilities Act (ADA) is the governing agency that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities. The ADA also establishes requirements for telecommunications relay services. Any public entity can find itself in need of custom ADA signs.
Nearly one in five citizens require accommodation of some kind when they are accessing digital government services. Ensuring that every citizen has equal access to those services is the focus behind a new guidelines initiative of the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO). This group is calling for increased understanding and use of accessibility standards, in conjunction with ADA requirements.
While many sign companies provide standard ADA compliant signs, custom ADA signs may be a little more difficult and expensive to locate. Your goal should be to find a sign company that has a mission to provide their customers with unmatched service and the very best sign solutions. Whether you need one sign for a single mailroom in your office, or several thousand signs throughout a franchise of fast food restaurants, the best sign companies can advise their customers on the the most reliable materials and production methods to ensure the results will exceed customer expectations.
While the seeing public will see your sign about twice per day, or about 60 times per month, your customers or employers who are visually impaired will depend on the proper placement of the braille signs that guide them through your place of business or employment.
Sign costs depend on size, material, color, and content. They can range from as little as $8 for a small sign, 12″ by 6″ with a basic design, to nearly $100 for a larger sign, 30″ by 30″ with more complicated features. It is important that you order all custom ADA signs correctly the first time, so you do not have the extra expense of new signage.
The global digital signage market should reach $20 billion by the year 2020, according to a new study by Grand View Research Inc. ADA sign requirements will be part of this total if you want to make sure that your public business or government office is not in violation of the government’s non-discrimination policy.