What Every Digital Company Should Know About the Card Not Present Transaction Process
Business has never been better for digital merchants. It’s estimated that every 30 seconds, global e-commerce generates $931,490 through desktop sales and an additional $269,863 in mobile purchases. Unfortunately, those enormous volumes of sales carry with them a high risk for fraud, since they almost always involve a card not present transaction process. In 2014,…
Improve Your Billing Security With a New Secure Payment Solution!
Are you a call center, collection agency, or an organization that specializes in Nutra products or financial products and services looking for secure payment solutions for verification and authentication? If so, you’re lucky, because new businesses are beginning to pop up to help merchants manage their payment processing into more secure payment systems. This is…
If Your Business Faces Too Many Credit Card Chargebacks, You Need To Read This
When you have a great credit card payment system, your chances of being the victim of too many chargebacks are significantly lower — but it’s important to remember that even with a great secure payment processing solution, your business could still face some fees (and a lot of wasted time) from just a couple chargebacks.…