How Clean Are Your Kitchen Supplies?
With so many outbreaks of salmonella poising in the past year it may be time to take a closer look at the place where you prepare your food and your goods for shipment. Are your industrial steamers prepared to do their job and take care of all of the harmful effects that could be contaminating…
Spring Is the Time When Many Large Corporations Complete Extensive Cleaning Processes
This is the season for spring cleaning. From carpets to furniture and from machines to floors, this is the time of year when many businesses schedule various kinds of cleaning tasks. Now that the long months of winter snow, ice, and muck are in the past, businesses of all sizes make use of dry vapor…
Steam Cleaning Systems An Effective and Efficient Method to Improve Home and Workplace Cleanliness
It should go without saying that keeping businesses and other public areas clean and sanitary is important. This prevents potential health hazards and frankly, it’s good for business. The cleaning industry itself is booming, and on an annual basis generates over $168 billion throughout the globe. The Benefits of Steam Cleaning Steam cleaning is an…