As the country enters a new way of looking at the safety of the world where they live it will be increasingly important for employers to make sure that they are providing the safest work environments for their employees. And while no one can be held responsible for the fact that the Coronavirus is now a part of our everyday lives, there will likely be increased guidelines about the environmental settings in offices where workers are deemed essential. Litigation settlements in the past that involved workers compensation have been lengthy, but as the nation works through new protocols and guidelines that will increase safety and limit the spread of disease, it is important to note that there are going to be challenges. And while the ultimate hope is that every employer will do everything within their power to protect their workers, there will always be businesses that take shortcuts when it comes to worker safety and will put these employees at unnecessary risk.
From patent disputes to electronic discovery to personal injury litigation, there has always been many ways that lawyers have tried to help their clients. And during this time of both pandemic and police brutality being on the news, there will continue to be a need for knowledgable lawyers to help their clients find the best legal results. And whether you are looking for a way to make sure that you are getting the workers compensation coverage that you deserve or you need someone to help you use electronic discovery to file for lost wages, it is important that you find a legal adviser with the most experience and the most successful track record.
Pollution Liability and Other Cases Often Require Electronic Discovery to Uncover All of the Available Facts
It is unfortunate that so many people have to rely on lawsuits to get the results that they need, but in a time when the biggest corporations are often only looking out for themselves, it is important to know that if you do not have an experienced lawyer working by your side you may not get the results that you need. From the advice that you need to get a ruling in your favor for a product liability issue to making sure that your employer is doing everything in their power to provide a safe workplace, there are many times when the absence of a lawyer may mean that you are not going to ge the protection or the results that you need.
In a time when so many businesses are struggling to stay open during the pandemic, there will likely be an even greater need for legal advice when it comes to filing for bankruptcy and other kinds of mediation. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that attorneys use electronic discovery and other methods to help their clients:
- As many as 90% of all Chapter 11 debtors have less than $10 million in assets or liabilities, less than $10 million in annual revenues, and 50 or fewer employees. These lower numbers, however, do not negate the fact that legal advice can be helpful.
- Even before the Coronavirus pandemic, more than 40% of Americans are worried about indoor and outdoor air quality, as well as other concerns like particulate matter, carbon emissions, tropospheric ozone, sulfur oxides, volatile organic compounds, radon, refrigerants, and methane emission.
- Including certification, notice, and settlement and except to the extent modified by the parties, class actions will be handled by FedArb Arbitrators or Panels in the same manner as they are handled under FRCP 23, including.
- More than 33% of all counties in the lower 48 states will face higher risks of water shortages by mid-century as a result of global warming. And as air quality issues become a factor for many workers, there will be even greater need for legal advice.
- Back in 1962, 11.5% of federal civil cases went to trial. Today, however, experts say the percentage of civil cases that actually reach trial in the federal courts is estimated to be about 1%. This is an indicator of how important it is to have an experienced litigator helping you find a fair settlement.
Finding the legal help you need is essential!