Metals are one of the most widely used materials on earth. They form the foundation for almost every fixture used by humans. Up to 50% of the world’s steel is used for buildings and infrastructure while some 16% being used for mechanical equipment such as for manufacturing or robotics. Other precious metals have also been used to make beautiful accessories such as bracelets, chains, necklaces, earrings and more. So essentially metal is a key component for development. The burn on the use of plastic and the massive deforestation experienced around the world has made metal stand out as a more sustainable material.
As the demand for metals increases, metal melting will remain a thriving business for many years. Technological advancement from the simple blast furnace to a more robust induction melting furnace has gone a long way to boost efficiency in the metal industry. Induction forging furnace is one of the many different steel melting machines available on the market. How do you pick the right machine for your needs? Here are some of the considerations when choosing the right induction melting furnace.
1. Metal Technology
In a fast-changing world where technology seems to advance even better, metal melting technology has also grown from basic furnaces to more efficient and improved metal melting machines. When choosing an induction forge, make sure it features recent technology that will help you to improve production and efficiency in terms of resource management and reduced production time.
2. Universal Induction Forge
If you are looking at upgrading your metal melting machine, consider investing in an induction furnace that can be used to melt an array of metals including copper, gold, silver, aluminum, and steel. Most of the induction melting furnaces being produced are limited specific metal types. With such a machine, you can not melt a different metal other than what the manufacturer built it for.
The best thing about induction furnaces is that you can even request more custom and specific options such as a copper or gold melting furnace
3. Energy Efficiency
This is an important element to consider when buying an induction forge as it can significantly affect the production cost. Metals have varying melting points, however, most of the have high melting points thus consuming a lot of energy. Steel, in particular, requires about 1370 degrees Celsius for it to melt. Therefore, look for an energy-efficient induction furnace and avoid high energy bills.
Another aspect of energy efficiency in induction melting is how fast the furnace heats up. A machine that heats reasonably fast will reduce energy consumption thus reducing the time it takes to melt metal. This allows for more efficient metal forging and fabrication.
4. Maintenance, Service and Parts
Like any other machine, especially those operating in high temperatures, your induction smelting furnace will experience wear and tear during its operation. You’ll need a machine that has replacement parts readily available so repairs can be done quickly to prevent downtime.
5. Simple Control Melting System
Unlike traditional blast furnace which polluted the environment in terms of noise and affluents, consider an improved induction furnace with an easy to understand and control the melting system. This type of metal melting furnace is environmental friendly in that it doesn’t produce noise, smoke or any harmful pollutants.
Choosing the right induction forging furnace calls for a detailed search. But with these few tips mentioned above, you’ll be can make an informed decision on the type of furnace that meets your business needs. Consult with a reliable induction forge manufacturer who can help you determine the right machine and advise you on everything you need to know about induction melting technology.