With so many outbreaks of salmonella poising in the past year it may be time to take a closer look at the place where you prepare your food and your goods for shipment. Are your industrial steamers prepared to do their job and take care of all of the harmful effects that could be contaminating your food before you send it out to the general public? Should you be more concerned with your steam cleaning systems and making sure that everything is completely safe and clean for your goods to be carried on before they are packaged to hit the shelves?
Reports from the CDC each year show that 1 in 6 Americans get sick from some type of food and drink contamination every year. If you think about it 1 in 6 is a rather large number of people. This means that many industrial steamers cleaners must not be doing there job exactly correct if there are contaminates getting into the foods at this rate and causing so many individuals to find themselves ill due to food and drink that can be prepared and packaged on these conveyors that are used over and over again.
Considering that steam kills 99% of common germs and bacteria such as salmonella, staph, E. Coli and things like dust mites and bed bugs using these industrial steamers is an important part of having a healthy and well meaning business. To take care of your devices and to protect those who may be consuming your products keeps your business afloat and continuing on. Be assuring that conveyor belt cleaners are up to date and working well you assure that everything you use is impeccably clean and sanitized for everything that you may be handling within your place of operations.
With three main types of contaminates and hazards causing food to be unsafe: chemical, biological, and physical there are many different types of things that can get into food and can cause illness to arise. Chemical contaminates include cleaning supplies and other residues left by pest control that leave behind problems that infect much of our food and drink if not treated correctly. Physical has to do with hair, dirt, and other small things that can get into food and drink and easily make people ill. No one want to find dirt residue in the food that they are preparing for the week. Lastly, biological consists of microorganisms that already grow on our food and items if they are not properly treated and cleaned first.
If you have any sort of food plant or prepare any food within your company than assuring that your industrial steams are in the correct working order is imperative to having that business last and not make anyone sick. Make sure that you are investing in the best in order to keep everything running both smooth and correctly. You don’t want to be the one at the center of any sickness issues when it comes to the products you are producing or else you’ll find yourself with a whole lot of problems that could have been easily prevented with the simplest of cleanings.