The torque wrench is tried-and-true technology, dating back to 1918 when Conrad Bahr invented them to work on New York City’s water department. Ever since then, torque wrench measurements have been essential to getting the job done on any screw or bolt, and whenever torque measurements deteriorate, calibration is in order. Different types of wrenches are available, and for measuring industrial work, load cells can also be calibrated for best performance.
Torque Wrench Measurements For the Working Man
A common type of torque wrench is the beam style. This tool is based on two beams, one of which acts as the instrument’s handle and source of force for the job at hand. As torque pressure is applied to the primary beam, the secondary beam registers this force and moves, manipulating a needle on a physical dial to provide a torque measurement for the user. This is essential for pressure-sensitive work where over tightening a bolt can cause problems. When torque wrench measurements start to slip, a worker can use a well-calibrated wrench to act as a control group, and compare its strain readout compared to the wrench in question. Calibrations can then be done.
Torque measurements on rotating equipment can come in other forms. A click wrench, for example, has a pre-set torque maximum, and once the internal spring reaches that point, a ball on the inside slips out of position and the wrench can be rotated back to its original position.
Load Cell Types
Torque wrench measurements are important for a good job, but having the correct load cell type is also vital for work. Omega, a hydraulic load cell is a measurement device whose readout comes from changing pressure to an internal liquid as a load is placed on the cell. No electricity is involved, it can be used outdoors or in any conditions where electronic components could be hazardous. There is also the strain-gage loading cell, which creates an electrical impulse as weight, or resistance, is placed on the platform and the gauges inside are deformed. the electric signal from the gauges changes as weight increases, providing a readout. These cells are accurate and are often price-efficient, making them strong competition against other loading cell types.