So much gas and oil used across the United States and world provides energy for residential and commercial locations alike. A great deal is able to change the industry overall, whether this is in the amount of oil produced and used, while other changes are in the products that are used to store and transport oil and gas. Because all gases, even natural, can pollute the earth, then it is important to make sure that they are often contained in tubing hangers and many other items.
Details of Gas and Oil Usage
While gas and oil provide about 60% of the energy across the United States, there is much more to the production and usage of both oil and gas worldwide every year. This makes the U.S. at the head of oil and gas production still today, even though a great deal has always been presented as being produced overseas. In 2017, nationally we produced about 571 million metric tons of oil and 734 million cubic metric tons of natural gas. With the need for this much oil and gas, this is a source that has the potential to run out over the years.
Tubing Hangers Used in Oil and Gas Plants
Global oil production is an incredibly large industry, with about four billion metric tons drilled and processed every year. After this it includes daily worldwide usage at over 89 million barrels and continuously increasing. The rise in oil and gas usage is expected to be about 109 million barrels daily by 2035, making the need for adjustments to renewable and sustainable energy sources coming as well. With the many different tubes and pipes that send gas from one tank to another, there is always a need for tubing hangers and many other parts that keep these systems working efficiently. Therefore, it is quite clear that natural gas is valuable to our economy and our environment as well.
Different Parts That Can Improve Oil and Gas Usage
With the 3,000+ facilities located on the OCS that collect and treat oil and gas, there are a number of parts in addition to tubing hangers that need to be installed, serviced, and maintained in order to make sure that this industry runs properly on a daily basis. With gas and oil being more than just our greatest energy supply, but also one of our most dangerous pollutants, it is important that all of these locations work properly and safely on a regular basis. Therefore, they need working parts such as the following:
- Ball valves
- Gate valves
- High pressure ball valves
- Tubing hangers
- Hydraulic gate valves
- Mounted ball valves
- Pig valves
With these parts and many more, there is much to gain from having the processing and production system of oil and gas working well. So many different oil and gas plants and other systems are able to work well when the different parts such as tubing hangers are able to keep various pipes in place. Therefore, gas can run in the proper path with leaks prevented.