Not everyone want to know the nitty gritty details behind the gifts that are under the tree. Few, in fact, need to hear the story of how long it took you to find the gift you chose for them. Likewise, it is taboo to tell someone how much you spent on the gift that you purchased. And while they are neither too long or to pricey, the fact of the matter is that no one really wants to know the details of the research and development of the prototype printed circuit boards that were used to create the gifts under the tree either.
In reality, however, the prototype printed circuit boards are an integral part of many of the gifts that people want the most this holiday season. From the giggling, sleeping, and passing guess toys that every kid wants this year for Christmas to the combination crock pot and pressure cookers that are flying off the shelves, prototype printed circuit boards were an important part of the development.
The fact that PCB design and layout plays such an important role in the hottest gifts this season is a reason that more and more companies are working to find the most affordable and reliable prototype PCB assembly provider.
Consider these facts and figures about the printed circuit board industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Predictions from Technavio?s market research analyst reports indicate that the global PCB market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 3% by the year 2020.
- Surface mount PCBs are up to one-tenth of the size of through-hole circuits.
- By the year 2022, the global printed circuit board market is projected to reach an estimated $72.6 billion.
- The global printed circuit board market is projected to reach an estimated $72.6 billion by 2022.
During the last 30 years, PCB assemblies have been integrated into the operation and design of most traffic lights used in North America, so they are obviously a part of the life that we live. From popular Christmas toys to kitchen gadgets, the gifts that we are seeking the most often involve electronics. Electronics that rely on printed circuit boards.