Many Americans use the Internet and mobile devices to read material such as books (fiction and non fiction), cook books, instruction manuals, magazines, and more. This is a natural aspect of the modern digital age, but these digital means have not completely replaced physical books. This reflects the wider trend of digital media and print media complimenting each other rather than one totally replacing the other. Modern offices use both digital files and paper documents for work, and may use paper flyers and posters for advertising and other communication. The same is true for workers using instruction manuals or consumers looking for good books and magazines to read. One aspect of books to keep in mind is their repair and maintenance, since a book may suffer from pages tearing or falling out or the spine suffering damage. This is why book tape and book spine tape may be used, along with custom tape for specific problems or book spine repair materials such as glue and precise knives. Book tape of all kinds can go a long way toward keeping a book in usable shape, especially for books that aren’t easily replaced. For an antique book or a book that’s difficult to find, book tape is the best option.
Where Book Tape May be Used
Who is making use of book tape? Anyone who has access to books and cares about them, that is. This certainly includes libraries, and even a small library may have thousands of books in various condition. Some are recent donations in good shape, while other books may be worn out and need some repair so that library patrons can check them out and use them. Library staff are tasked with both organizing and caring for their books, and this means using tape and glue to fix damaged volumes. Otherwise, patrons are unlikely to check out a book that is falling apart, and patrons may get a bad impression of a library that has so many damaged volumes.
Everyday Americans may also have a need for book tape. Even with computers and tablets and smart phones around, many Americans own at least a few books or similar printed items and may take them for granted. A person who gathers all of their printed books, magazines, instruction manuals, and more in their house may be surprised at the size of that stack. Digital documents are helpful, to be sure, but physical ones are convenient since they can be taken anywhere and don’t run on batteries, and don’t cause eye strain with an electronic screen. That, and even the cheapest tablet or other electronic device is many times more expensive than a few books. That, and some Americans may find it easier to concentrate on text on paper than on a screen anyway, a matter of personal preference and style. Someone who has a car repair manual may want to tape together its damaged pages and keep the volume in one piece, and the same may be true of a cook book, an art book, or a favorite hardback novel.
Schools and colleges may also invest in good books and repair them whenever needed, since it may strain a school’s budget to keep replacing their old books. Rather, a typical public middle or high school may keep the same hardback books for many years and simply repair them as needed, using book tape, glue, and even sewing to keep the spine and pages in good shape. A high school student may, at the start of the year, be given a hardback math or science book with some taped pages or a glued spine. It may be apparent to the naked eye that this was done, but the book should be in quite usable shape.
Someone who needs to do book repairs may use clear, low-acid tape that can find together papers with ease and not obscure the contents underneath. A torn page, for example, can be aligned correctly and then have tape applied on both sides to reassemble the page. If pages come loose entirely, tape may be used for that too. And if the spine is falling apart, the owner may use knives, glue, tape, and more to fix it. This may also involve cutting out a new cardboard spine and installing it.