In an exceedingly competitive marketplace, one of the only ways to remain relevant is through effective advertising. While many companies are turning towards digital marketing, such as website ads and videos, many underestimate how efficient physical marketing can still be. Even though people spend an enormous amount of time sifting through the endless pages of the internet, they must all travel outdoors which is a great opportunity for generating exposure with signage.
Over one-third, about 37%, of consumers report looking at outdoor ads every time or the majority of the time they pass one. The more it catches their eye the better. To improve the attractiveness of the ads, lighted business sign solutions can stick out far more than the average billboard or posting.
Research conducted by OTX, a global consumer research and consulting firm, has shown that approximately 63% of adults find that advertising on digital signage “catches their attention” better than average physical advertisements. This is not only a result of brighter aesthetics of the signs, but because many LED sign solutions are able to cycle between different graphics, people will continue to watch them to see the different images.
Besides just the stopping power of digital business signage, about 58% of people report they find this form of advertising to be more unique than others, around 53% find it more interesting, and 48% find it entertaining. In turn, approximately 26% of consumers also find LED message centers to be less annoying than other forms of advertising media.
The freedom to produce more creative sign designs has never been more accessible than with digital signage. And rather than spending the money to reserve space and put up numerous signs, LED advertising can house multiple graphics for easier viewing by pedestrians.
Digital sign manufacturers can help a company take advantage of an underestimated form of advertising. Taking advantage of sign solutions now can bring a company a step ahead of others who may only be focusing on online marketing.