Steam boilers are used in a variety of properties, from laundries to restaurants, from colleges to apartment buildings, and various other industrial facilities. Any of the properties that make use of steam boilers will, by default, have several steam traps, an automatic valve used in all steam systems. The purpose of the the steam trap parts are to remove liquid condensation, as well as air and other gases that do not condense. Their greater purpose is to make your boiler system work as efficiently as possible. Steam trap sizing varies so working with a steam trap distributor that carries many types of steam traps, including:
inverted bucket,
thermostatic traps.
If you do not want to wait for your choice to be in stock it is important that you work with a large distributor. Often times the largest distributors, in addition to carrying the biggest and most varied inventories will also have knowledgable staff and can provide reliable, affordable and efficient service. One company, spirax steam traps, prides itself on carrying everything from steam traps on radiators to solenoid valves. Whether you decide to use a large distributor like spirax steam traps or a smaller local distributor it is important to remember that systems that are regularly scheduled and maintained have leaking traps that should account for less than 5% of the trap population.
Higher quality and excellently-maintained equipment combined with efficient programs can reduce steam losses to less than 1%. Standard industry steam traps generally come with a one year warranty, but typically will last three to seven years with proper service, maintenance, environment and correct usage.
Finding a reliable and fast inventory for your steam vents is not the only factor in in steam boiler care. Proper maintenance is also essential. A steam system that goes without maintenance for three to five years, you may find that 15% to and 30% of the installed steam traps may have failed. Worse yet, old, inefficient steam traps annually produce $8,000 in steam waste.