From waste heat boilers to portable chillers to the plate and frame heat exchanger, the market for heat exchangers and similar products is a growing one here in the United States. After all, all of the above, from waste heat boilers to Temptek water chillers, play an important role in many aspects of our world – more so than many of us have actually realized up until this point.
This is something that can be seen in the economic data that has been gathered on the subject over the course of the last few years. In fact, this data shows that the market for heat exchangers and the like (such as waste heat boilers) had already reached a total value of around $7 billion by the time that we had reached the year of 2013. And in the six or so years that have transpired since this data was gathered, this total value has only continued to grow – and is expected to keep growing in the years that are to come. Again, the data backs this up, as it shows that this same market will be worth more than $19 billion by the time that we reach the year of 2021, which is now only a couple of years ahead of us in the future. This also means that there will be a CAGR of more than 8%, something that is truly impressive by just about any standards.
After all, there are number of different types of heat exchangers (and waste heat boilers and other such similar products like water chillers) available here in the United States as well as in a number of other places all around the world, something that has led to quite high sales of such equipment all across the board. In fact, there are actually three different types of heat exchangers and two different types of water chillers currently in use here in the United States.
When it comes to heat exchangers, parallel flow heat exchangers are quite commonplace. These heat exchangers operate by two tubes flowing in the same direction, with the fluids entering from the same end of the heat exchanger – but at a considerable if not extreme temperature difference. In addition to these parallel heat exchangers, heat exchangers with a cross flow configuration are also used. In this type of a heat exchanger, one fluid will flow directly through one set of tubes while another fluid is channeled through a separate set of tubes – and this set will wrap around the first set, allowing for the transfer of heat. Finally, shell and tube flow configurations are also quite commonly seen in the world of heat exchangers, at least here in the United States.
In addition to heat exchangers and even waste heat boilers, we must also look at water chillers and other types of chillers, which have the opposite purpose of the typical heat exchanger, no matter what kind of heat exchanger it might be. As has been mentioned above, there are two commercially produced and used varieties of chillers. The first of that is the water cooled chiller system and the other doesn’t use water at all but instead uses air to chill. Both chiller systems can be used in constructive and important ways, but it is typically water chillers that are more highly sought after. After all, water chiller systems tend to last a good deal longer than air chiller systems, something that can typically be attributed to the fact that this type of a chiller will more typically be installed in some sort of indoor setting. Air chillers, on the other hand, are usually installed outside, something that can reduce their overall lifespan – sometimes quite considerably, too.
From waste heat boilers to all kinds of heat exchangers to the various types of chiller systems out there and in use, this is an industry that is very much thriving. Of course, it is thriving here in the United States, but it is also an industry that has been able to establish quite the foothold in other parts of the world as well.